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11-26-2007, 06:41 PM

We also need our leaders to…

• be forward looking

• Anticipate 2nd and 3rd order effects.

• Rapidly exercise effective decision-making.

Along with adaptive leaders, we need an army that is focused on the information battle space or what we call Strategic Communication…. THE ENEMY IS FOCUSED ON IT!

The one I found interesting:

Currently, the Army is performing a lot of these civil functions in Iraq, Afghanistan and let’s not forget Bosnia and Kosovo. We are by no means the experts in many of these fields. Therefore, we need to be prepared to bring the experts into our areas of operation, we need to know how to use them, how to protect them and how to resource them. Experts from other Government agencies like Dept of State, the Treasury, Agriculture and Commerce… we need to bring in experts from USAID. The better we can interact, cooperate and incorporate these non-military entities into our plans and operations, the more successful we will be.

I found that interesting because, from what I'm reading, these agencies have a very difficult time working and executing, timely and functional, within a war zone. It seems more like we need to increase and fund more SeeBee Units along with Civil Affairs who will be able to build, day and night, under threat or in combat to complete certain civilian timely and necessary infrastructure, such as roads, sewers, water mains, government buildings, etc.

11-26-2007, 07:28 PM

The one I found interesting:

I found that interesting because, from what I'm reading, these agencies have a very difficult time working and executing, timely and functional, within a war zone. It seems more like we need to increase and fund more SeeBee Units along with Civil Affairs who will be able to build, day and night, under threat or in combat to complete certain civilian timely and necessary infrastructure, such as roads, sewers, water mains, government buildings, etc.

This is one more example that grand strategist Tom Barnett's ideas about a SysAdmin force are gaining converts. Security is more that killing the bad guys, it's setting up an environment that will keep people healthy and give them a sense of a better future.

Ron Humphrey
11-26-2007, 07:49 PM

The one I found interesting:

I found that interesting because, from what I'm reading, these agencies have a very difficult time working and executing, timely and functional, within a war zone. It seems more like we need to increase and fund more SeeBee Units along with Civil Affairs who will be able to build, day and night, under threat or in combat to complete certain civilian timely and necessary infrastructure, such as roads, sewers, water mains, government buildings, etc.

Exactly why he has tried to make this point.
The reality is that although the military can and does encompass a lot of arenas, certain ones are more important to have handled by civilians because in the end those they are seeking to help will have to do so with civilian infrastructure not military alone.

Lead by example, and all that jazz