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View Full Version : Use of Imagery for Domestic Civil Support Operations

05-24-2008, 02:26 PM
For those of us living in Hurricane country:

Use of Imagery for Domestic Civil Support Operations: Are we missing the “Big Picture”? (http://www.maxwell.af.mil/au/aunews/archive/0309/Articles/Domestic%20Imagery%20-%20Blue%20Dart.doc) (MS Word file)

The scene: A Class V hurricane is bearing down on a large eastern metropolitan area. A light aircraft from the Civil Air Patrol, equipped with a handheld digital camera, has taken photos of evacuation traffic along I-95 and e-mailed them to the deployed Air Operations Center via a satellite telephone connection. The Airman on duty at the ISR desk receives the images and realizes they are exactly what are needed for the next briefing to federal emergency management authorities.

Question: Who must give permission for the Airman to copy the pictures to PowerPoint slides on his trusty computer?
A. His sergeant
B. His watch supervisor
C. The Secretary of Defense