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View Full Version : New Journal: Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict

08-02-2008, 04:28 PM
New journal, currently with free access:
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict Pathways toward terrorism and genocide (http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t778749996~db=all)

Volume 1 Issue 1 2008 (http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=g795348630~db=all)

Radicalization in the Persian Gulf: Assessing the potential of Islamist militancy in Saudi Arabia and Yemen
Author: Mohammed M. Hafez

Jemaah Islamiyah's radical madrassah networks
Authors: Justin Magouirk; Scott Atran

Responding to asymmetric threat: The dual-use strategy
Author: Eugene B. Skolnikoff

Terrorism in the year 2020: Examining the ideational, functional and geopolitical trends that will shape terrorism in the twenty-first century
Author: Paul J. Smith

Self-sacrifice as innovation: The strategic and tactical utility of martyrdom
Author: Jeffrey W. Lewis

Conflict resolution in asymmetric and symmetric situations: Northern Ireland as a case study
Authors: James W. McAuley; Catherine McGlynn; Jon Tonge

Author: Clark McCauley

08-02-2008, 04:54 PM

Great post.


03-01-2009, 06:39 PM
Social Research is not a new journal, but it's back issues are eventually put on FindArticles for free. The Summer 2008 issue on Martrydom may be of interest to some.

Martrydom, Self-Sacrifice, and Self-Denial, Volume 75, Number 2 (Summer 2008) (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2267/is_2_75?tag=content;col1)

The history and evolution of martyrdom in the service of defensive jihad: an analysis of suicide bombers in current conflicts, by Farhana Ali and Jerrold Post

Suicide, violence, and cultural conceptions of martyrdom in Palestine, by Neil L. Whitehead and Nasser Abufarha

Emily Wilding Davison: secular martyr?, by Gay L. Gullickson

Editor's Introduction, by Arien Mack

Martyrdom and sacrifice in a time of terror, by Mark Juergensmeyer

Charles Tilly, 1929-2008, by Arien Mack

Endangered scholars worldwide, by Arien Mack

Missing their mark: the IRA's proxy bomb campaign, by Mia Bloom and John Horgan

Micromobilization and suicide protest in South Korea, 1970-2004, by Hyojoung Kim

Trading pain for knowledge, or, how the West was won, by Geoffrey Galt Harpham

Morality and self-sacrifice, martyrdom and self-denial, by George Kateb

Can martyrdom survive secularization?, by Lacey Baldwin Smith

Martyrdom, sacrifice, and political memory in El Salvador, by Anna L. Peterson and Brandt G. Peterson

02-13-2010, 07:00 PM
Hadn't seen this journal before:

Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression (http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t901392633), published on behalf of the Society for Terrorism Research.