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08-19-2008, 09:40 PM
I saw this today as I was buying a new bus driver hat on Marlow White's website...Just when I had enough BDUs we went to the ACUs...Well it will be interesting to see what the final take is tomorrow!

19 August 2008: The Sergeant Major of the Army sent a major-release e-mail stating that the Army Service Uniform will be announced tomorrow. Major aspects of the "pre-announcement" in his e-mail are:

The current dress blue coat and the current dress blue trousers with belt loops will be the base components for the male uniform
The current dress blue coat, the current skirt, and a ASU slack will be the base components for females
The mandatory wear date for the new ASU is 4th Qtr FY14
The wear-out date for the Class A Greens was not mentioned today, but is likely the same 4th Qtr FY14
All of the accessories, accoutrements, wear of jump boots, etc, were referenced in general today.
NOTE: Any new items that will be announced tomorrow will likely take months to develop and certify. We expect many of these items to be new to the industry as the final details about the accoutrements and the wear policy have been close held. Please be patient with us as we transition.

Ken White
08-19-2008, 10:34 PM
"...Officers and non-commissioned officers (corporal and above) will wear the service cap with the ASU. Enlisted Soldiers (specialist and below) will wear the beret with the ASU."I suspect there will be other annoyances...:(

Rebellion -- or is that a mutiny??? :D

08-20-2008, 02:07 AM
Once again, the Army has missed an opportunity to bring back the pinks and greens. :mad:

08-20-2008, 02:11 AM
The AF is coming out with a new dress uniform too. One would think the services would have other things more frickin' important to worry about than dress uniforms! Save non-combat uniform changes for peacetime please.

Ken White
08-20-2008, 02:42 AM
entirely; no way to ever make everyone happy...

08-20-2008, 02:43 AM
If we are consolidating uniforms and finding a way to make berets required less often, then I am all for it. It's dumb to have an abundance of uniforms and berets were a bad idea.

Now I only hope that the Army can come to a consensus opinion that wearing helmets, pistol belts, and canteens during parades and ceremonies is absolutely stupid. Ditto interceptors. It still amazes me that some senior officer wore a stripped-down interceptor with no SAPIs to the ceremony when two of his Soldiers had the DSC pinned on by the President. Who thought that looked squared away?

08-20-2008, 05:11 AM
I know that some people were upset over losing the color SSI. That wouldn't upset me half as much as not having the regimental backing behind my jump wings.

Ken White
08-20-2008, 05:22 AM
do about other than Black Beanies -- and boots... :D

08-20-2008, 09:47 AM
The memo from CSA/CSMA said that they're making arrangements for the following:

98% surveyed wanted recognition of combat service on their ASU.
78% Wanted their combat patch reflected
70% wanted regimental affliation reflected.

They also said it looks like jump boots will be authorized.

Tom Odom
08-20-2008, 12:41 PM
Screw it

Use Patton's tanker uniform and add a light coat of oil....

Ken has seen decades more of this than I have and I am in my third. Seems like everytime a new SMA gets tapped, we have to start changing the damn uniform. It is absolutely silly, it wastes money, and is a complete distraction from what is important.

I see troops worrying as to whether their ammo pouches match their ACUs.

Anyone for chamber music on the fantail? We will have to rearrange the deck chairs....

1st Steward, RMS Titanic


08-20-2008, 01:50 PM
As much as I deplore the "better to look good than be good" mentality that dominates the world inside the D.C. Beltway (and spills over all too often), this 'change' is the elimination of the Greens, and adding a grey shirt to go under the existing Blues.

It could be worse, they've actually decreased the number of uniforms for officers and careerists. The only folks that really get screwed are the folks who were close to retirement and didn't have blues. If they were really introducing a new, additional uniform, I'd be frothing at the mouth.

Look at it this way; the folks who make a promotion based on ideas like this are folks you don't really want watching your back. This way, they are kept away from things that really matter.

08-20-2008, 04:00 PM
Army Times has two photos of the new uniform on their webpage.


Boy I feel bad laughing at the navy people in their white uniform. Guess I'll need to invest in some good stain removers!

08-20-2008, 04:02 PM
Photo from the Army Times

Tom Odom
08-20-2008, 04:36 PM
I rest my case

This looks like a mall security guard

Photo from the Army Times

Ken White
08-20-2008, 04:36 PM
Totally tacky. My wife's reaction: "Oh my god, what have they done?"

I give it four, five years, max, if it ever gets to implementation. They shoulda stuck with the gray shirt, the white one will show dirt like a champ.

I can see the Troops now, running around looking for cardboard to keep all those badges from dragging the shirt material down to the belt loops. Not that big a problem on the coat but I'm unsure why the 3d ID patch is down about belt level. Blousing those trousers with that gold stripe in a pair of Corcorans is gonna be fun -- and ruin you some britches...


All of you serving have long had my thanks but you got no sympathy. Now you have my sympathy... :wry:

08-20-2008, 04:38 PM
I guess I really don't understand the resistance.

Most people I know hated the Class A's. I know I rarely wore them except for DA Photos over the past 11 years. Excepting that was "Payday activities", wich ended around 2001 as a concept. On the other hand, until I purchased Mess Dress I was wearing my Blue uniform about once a month to different functions.

Most people like the Dress Blue Uniform, as demostrated by repeated surveys.

For soldiers, one less uniform to maintain, and the Blue uniform looks much better. Everyone has an opinion, but as RTK indicated, over 90% of the soldiers indicated they would prefer the Blue to the Green uniform.

The key problem was how to reconcile the "flair" on the Class A with the more restrained look on the blue uniform. I think they struck a fair compromise.

I seem to be rare on this board, but this is a good change, IMO.

EDIT: Not sold on the placement of the combat patch. If the female pictured above is accurate, the 1st CAV patch is going to look silly and take up half the front! :O

08-20-2008, 04:46 PM
It could be worse, they've actually decreased the number of uniforms for officers and careerists. The only folks that really get screwed are the folks who were close to retirement and didn't have blues. If they were really introducing a new, additional uniform, I'd be frothing at the mouth.


The wear out is 2014! That mean's you're only "Screwed" if you're at the 14 year mark and are too cheap to have invested in Blues by that point in your career. Most SFC's and above I have ever met wear blues, and officers are required to have them. Maybe a higher impact on the RC, but enlisted soldiers do get a clothing allowance and CSA Preston indicated the "wear out" timeline was deigned to allow all soliders to afford the new uniform within that period.

And most soldiers' aren't paying for ACU's as they did the BDU, they're issued prior to deployment. And not sewing on tons of patches and no pressing makes it much cheaper than the BDU was to won.

Steve Blair
08-20-2008, 04:53 PM
It still looks better than what the AF picked out.....

Ken White
08-20-2008, 05:05 PM
...For soldiers, one less uniform to maintain, and the Blue uniform looks much better. Everyone has an opinion, but as RTK indicated, over 90% of the soldiers indicated they would prefer the Blue to the Green uniform.I agree with that and I never liked the Greens; I just thought the grey shirt looked better than the white one does -- and hanging all that junk on the shirts is just tacky. Just because you earned it doesn't mean you have to wear it...

I've also never been a beret fan even though I've worn 'em in green and maroon -- but then, nor am I a fan of the service cap. Like I've said, no way to make evetybody happy... ;)
The key problem was how to reconcile the "flair" on the Class A with the more restrained look on the blue uniform. I think they struck a fair compromise.

I seem to be rare on this board, but this is a good change, IMO.

EDIT: Not sold on the placement of the combat patch. If the female pictured above is accurate, the 1st CAV patch is going to look silly and take up half the front! :ODon't disagree with any of that; they really need to work on the patch and badge bit; those two factors foul up, to me, an otherwise good idea.

That and the short sleeve white shirt -- who wants to be mistaken for the Mess Sergeant / Dining Facility Manager??? That's what my sympathy was directed toward... :D

08-20-2008, 05:47 PM
As usual, Marlow White is on top of it and has the actual message:


John T. Fishel
08-20-2008, 05:59 PM
even if it was before my time. Never liked Greens all that much but didn't dislike them all that much either. Always thought that the beret for everybody was a bad idea, especially putting the Ranger Rgt into a tan one. But I have always liked Dress Blues.

OK, that said, when will the Army wear the new/old uniform? Pet peeve has been in the last 2 decades the tendency to wear jeans and T shirts - oops, I mean BDUs/ACUs to work with the "suits." If one works in an office one should dress for the office; if one works in the field one should dress for the field. Unlike WWII (and before) one uniform won't serve both purposes. If the "suits" wear ties, so should the soldiers who work with them. If the "suits" come to work in open collar, then Class B for the soldier. The IO point to be made is, I think, that soldiers are different from civilians in ways that are represented by the uniform but the military can and should show courtesy to the civilians they work with, for, or who work for them by wearing uniforms that are both appropriate to the environment and meet the same standard of dress as in business dress for the office.

I rest my rant. :rolleyes:



Ken White
08-20-2008, 06:11 PM
Saw a picture of a dozen or so Defense Attaches lined up for a meet and greet at a Malaysian Defense show; all of them in service uniforms with garrison or service caps -- except the US Army LTC in beret and ACU. Not good...

That's not a negatron on the Blues, it is one on all day, every day, everywhere wear of the ACU.

Tom Odom
08-20-2008, 06:19 PM
Saw a picture of a dozen or so Defense Attaches lined up for a meet and greet at a Malaysian Defense show; all of them in service uniforms with garrison or service caps -- except the US Army LTC in beret and ACU. Not good...

That's not a negatron on the Blues, it is one on all day, every day, everywhere wear of the ACU.

Agreed. Had a fellow attache who insisted on wearing beret, jump boots, and 82d patch on attache duty. He showed up in Rwanda for a senior level meet between the USG and the Rwandan VP/SecDef. The Ambassador's secretary told him he looked "cute" in his little red hat. He left early.

There is a place for field uniform and a place for a more formal attire. I just don't like that white shiirt with the blue pants. I thought the original gray shirt without all the salad was great for the office and we wore it at CGSC as faculty and students. Then of course we had to start hanging all the stuff on it.

We never learn. We just redo anew.


08-21-2008, 02:33 AM
I've also never been a beret fan even though I've worn 'em in green and maroon -- but then, nor am I a fan of the service cap.

Well, at least it's not a garrison cap. If you think about it, a garrison cap makes no sense at all as a piece of headgear. It serves no practical purpose; it doesn't shade the eyes and it can be hard to keep on in a stiff wind.

A garrison cap also has a rather strange and unique ability, in that it takes whatever "look" a soldier has going for himself naturally and magnifies it out of proportion: put a garrison cap cocked "just so" on a square jawed Sergeant Rock type and he looks all the harder core; put one on a sad sack and he looks like a bigger and sadder sack.

I mean, when you think about it, a garrison cap.....(pause, gasp!) you know, I think I just described a beret! :eek: :D ;)

"What is all this about a beret? The beret, of course, is a Basque headgear which serves no purpose whatever. It does not hold off the rain. It does not keep the sun out of the eyes or off the back of the neck. It blows off in a wind, and it offers no protection against bumps and knocks. I have nothing against the Basques, but the beret is a silly hat and should not be given consideration as part of the modern military uniform. The fact that it has assumed a certain badge-glamour is apparent, but not irrevocable. There are ways of making a man's uniform more distinguished looking without attempting to be 'fashionable.' " - Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Cooper

Ken White
08-21-2008, 03:12 AM
your baseball cap with your Blues!

If you were a Drill Sgt, you could wear your Smokey bear hat -- that covers the eyes and ears, keeps the sun away, can be kept on in a stiff wind if you use a chin or rear strap; It's one of two one hundred percent American military head gear items and it only take about a half pound of sugar a week to keep the brim stiff -- unless you want to wear it like this LINK (http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/sandino/butler-managua.jpg), the guy standing at the far end of the flatcar... :D

08-21-2008, 05:02 AM
Everytime I see a news report about a big fight in Iraq or Afghanistan and I get all nostalgic and think about getting back in, something like this comes along and reminds me of the foolishness that drove me out.

I nearly spit Johnny Walker all over my screen after seeing that photo of the new uniform. That guy has more stuff on his shirt than a greeter at Wal-Mart. It looks like whoever designed this eyesore was trying to cram everything from every uniform into one. I support the effort to decrease the number of uniforms, but making that smaller set of uniforms so much more complex and foolish looking seems counterproductive. Whatever benefit is achieved by having one less uniform is offset by the frustration of assembling it and the embarassment of wearing it.

08-21-2008, 05:13 AM
Everytime I see a news report about a big fight in Iraq or Afghanistan and I get all nostalgic and think about getting back in, something like this comes along and reminds me of the foolishness that drove me out.

I nearly spit Johnny Walker all over my screen after seeing that photo of the new uniform. That guy has more stuff on his shirt than a greeter at Wal-Mart. It looks like whoever designed this eyesore was trying to cram everything from every uniform into one. I support the effort to decrease the number of uniforms, but making that smaller set of uniforms so much more complex and foolish looking seems counterproductive. Whatever benefit is achieved by having one less uniform is offset by the frustration of assembling it and the embarassment of wearing it.

The thing to remember is that you aren't required to trip out the B uniform as Mr. Paratrooper has done, just as you could do that with the current green shirt.

And I will never be embarrassed to wear my uniform.

08-21-2008, 09:48 AM
I think if you're modest about it, it looks sharp.

As for Mr. Paratrooper I have three words: VFW Starter Kit. :D

Tom Odom
08-21-2008, 11:38 AM
I think if you're modest about it, it looks sharp.

As for Mr. Paratrooper I have three words: VFW Starter Kit. :D

Don't forget the ubiquitous glow yellow defeat all threats safety belt :D

08-21-2008, 02:31 PM
I rest my case

This looks like a mall security guard

Or Feld Marschal Goering

08-21-2008, 02:39 PM
your baseball cap with your Blues!

If you were a Drill Sgt, you could wear your Smokey bear hat -- that covers the eyes and ears, keeps the sun away, can be kept on in a stiff wind if you use a chin or rear strap; It's one of two one hundred percent American military head gear items and it only take about a half pound of sugar a week to keep the brim stiff -- unless you want to wear it like this LINK (http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/sandino/butler-managua.jpg), the guy standing at the far end of the flatcar... :D

And what, besides the animosity of the Cav, would be wrong with a return to the black Stetson?

On the decorations: We are talkijg about merit badges here, aren't we? Seems to me the Boy Scouts and girl Scouts both use a sash over the shoulder to display all their merit badges. I guess the Army won't try that option since it, unlike the Scouts, is still in search of adult leadership.

Ken White
08-21-2008, 03:28 PM
And I will never be embarrassed to wear my uniform.embarrassed but I sure was embarrassed by and for others on occasion...:(

Tom Odom
08-21-2008, 03:38 PM
On the decorations: We are talkijg about merit badges here, aren't we? Seems to me the Boy Scouts and girl Scouts both use a sash over the shoulder to display all their merit badges. I guess the Army won't try that option since it, unlike the Scouts, is still in search of adult leadership.

Brilliant--combine the sash with the safety belt! :wry:

Wayne, we are in twubble now :eek:

08-21-2008, 04:27 PM
Brilliant--combine the sash with the safety belt! :wry:

Wayne, we are in twubble now :eek:

Tom, I think we need to get this to the Army Uniform Board and Army Safety Center ASAP.
We can make the belt look like the old Sam Brown Belt , only black and wider in order to support the DUI, flashes, tabs, and associated "warrior" symbology. We embed some strobing LEDs as the safety device, with the battery and on/off switch in a "cartridge box" attavched at the back of the belt. Shoot, it could even have loops to attach a sabre scabbard.

Alternatively, think of the sash worn by Lt Warf on Star Trek Next Generation, only in black leather.

08-21-2008, 04:36 PM
The thing to remember is that you aren't required to trip out the B uniform as Mr. Paratrooper has done, just as you could do that with the current green shirt.

That's a good point. The NCO pictured is probably sporting all of those ribbons, badges, et cetera, so as to demonstrate how various accouterment are properly displayed. That said, I also remember the mercifully few occasions when class A or blues were required and we were expected to wear every single item that we were authorized. I learned this when I caught some heat from a commander who noticed that I had all of the standard fare (GWOT, NDSM, ASM, etc), but no medals on my uniform (AAM, ARCOM, BSM, etc) and he knew that I had been awarded them. I pointed out that I never put them on my ORB and didn't particularly care about them. He seemed to be personally offended at this and ordered me to put the awards on my ORB and on my uniform and redo my DA photo. (Background: I'm not a big fan of officers getting medals unless there is an objective standard for them - I know some officers who are Silver Star awardees who didn't even deserve BSMs, but some E-4's for whom the opposite is true). I've seen some officers and senior NCOs go so far as to dictate which combat patch will be worn - an unnecessary expense and hassle for the E-4 who falls under his arbitrary rule and must get his uniform altered when he is already within regulation.

There are definitely some good aspects of the change (fewer uniforms, more emphasis upon regimental affiliation and combat service), but the goofy look really makes me wonder how this reflects upon the Army in the eyes of the nation that it serves, especially at a time when confidence in the Army is so critical. The flash and pizzaz of the vivid blue and bright white detract from what civilians generally associate with competency and experience: ribbons and badges placed upon a subdued colored uniform that reflects the calm and firm bearing of an officer. This uniform is all flash, causing the abundance of ribbons and badges to just blend in with the rest of the flashiness and make the individual wearing it look like the typical Wal-Mart greeter who sports a vest full of buttons and a goofy hat.

Fortunately, the ACU remains the uniform that most Soldiers will wear most of the time, so maybe it's not a big deal.

Ken White
08-21-2008, 07:26 PM
Tom, I think we need to get this to the Army Uniform Board and Army Safety Center ASAP.
We can make the belt look like the old Sam Brown Belt , only black and wider in order to support the DUI, flashes, tabs, and associated "warrior" symbology. We embed some strobing LEDs as the safety device, with the battery and on/off switch in a "cartridge box" attavched at the back of the belt. Shoot, it could even have loops to attach a sabre scabbard.Sam Browne.

Schmedlap said:
"...The flash and pizzaz of the vivid blue and bright white detract from what civilians generally associate with competency and experience: ribbons and badges placed upon a subdued colored uniform that reflects the calm and firm bearing of an officer. This uniform is all flash, causing the abundance of ribbons and badges to just blend in with the rest of the flashiness and make the individual wearing it look like the typical Wal-Mart greeter who sports a vest full of buttons and a goofy hat."Actually he said a lot of things I agree with totally and that all make sense but the quoted part in particular is my concern. I suspect we will draw more adverse than favorable comments; the white shirt is, I think, a particularly bad move.

As to the male uniform model, he may be a paratrooper as someone above said but from what he's wearing and displaying, I'm inclined to suspect he's not, he's just airborne. There's a difference. Don't know him so that may be unfair; if it is I apologize to him. The statement that he may just be wearing all that stuff to show where it goes may also be correct -- that, to me, is the point -- that much stuff, again channeling Schmedlap, shouldn't be worn on a duty uniform by anyone. IMO of course, YMMV..

08-21-2008, 09:06 PM
These uniforms are awful. Pure slop. I don't think a single female Sergeant Major was involved in the selection process.

08-21-2008, 09:25 PM

How do you know the Army uniforms were all designed by men?

Look at the placement of the nametags/tapes. If it had been designed by a woman (or a man who gave a darn about their emotional comfort), it would have been no lower than the collar or shoulderboards.

08-21-2008, 11:58 PM
I think everyone missed that they took out the best part... the suspenders.

What else are women suppossed to snap when dancing with you at a wedding or ball?

Tom Odom
08-22-2008, 12:26 AM
I think everyone missed that they took out the best part... the suspenders.

What else are women suppossed to snap when dancing with you at a wedding or ball?

hmmmmmm garters? :D

08-22-2008, 12:41 AM
If you were a Drill Sgt, you could wear your Smokey bear hat -- that covers the eyes and ears, keeps the sun away, can be kept on in a stiff wind if you use a chin or rear strap; It's one of two one hundred percent American military head gear items and it only take about a half pound of sugar a week to keep the brim stiff -- unless you want to wear it like this LINK (http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/sandino/butler-managua.jpg), the guy standing at the far end of the flatcar... :D

Ah, the campaign cover. I was actually thinking of ordering one for ####s and giggles when I was working with 5-7 CAV, since they all had their silly little Stetsons (the Troop CO threatened to beat my ass when I called it that, he played rugby at West Point, so I kept a watchful eye on him after that :D). I wanted one of the old fore and aft style hats, for some reason it just appealed to me more than the Montana peak hats. Never followed through on it. It is a good looking piece of gear, though. Just something timeless about it.

Ken White
08-22-2008, 01:24 AM
...(the Troop CO threatened to beat my ass when I called it that, he played rugby at West Point, so I kept a watchful eye on him after that :D)... I wanted one of the old fore and aft style hats, for some reason it just appealed to me more than the Montana peak hats.Excellent plan on the first and good taste on the second. ;)

08-22-2008, 02:36 AM
Ah, the campaign cover. I was actually thinking of ordering one for ####s and giggles when I was working with 5-7 CAV, since they all had their silly little Stetsons (the Troop CO threatened to beat my ass when I called it that, he played rugby at West Point, so I kept a watchful eye on him after that :D). I wanted one of the old fore and aft style hats, for some reason it just appealed to me more than the Montana peak hats. Never followed through on it. It is a good looking piece of gear, though. Just something timeless about it.

This is my favorite downrange uniform.


Yours truly in his best Aloha shirt, stetson, cigar, and guidon at COP Battle in March 2006. :eek:

Ahhh, the good old days. The great thing about being on a COP was that there wasn't a CSM around to get mad about it! :D

08-22-2008, 03:01 AM
These uniforms are awful. Pure slop. I don't think a single female Sergeant Major was involved in the selection process.

I remember the many, many yuks I had at the expense of the Air Force when McSqueak introduced the Airline Pilot uniforms and the BDU's with the leather flight suit patches. Perhaps this is karmic payback.

Ken White
08-22-2008, 04:19 AM
...The great thing about being on a COP was that there wasn't a CSM around to get mad about it! :DA large number of those folks seem to worry a lot more about uniformity, haircuts, shaving (all Sqd / Veh / Platoon NCO jobs), personnel assignments (the Adj and his crowd) and other exotica than they worry about assessing and improving the training, morale, attitude, care and feeding -- and employment -- of their assigned unit. That means, if a large number do in fact have such misplaced priorities, that the system is at fault. That means the Army's not doing it right. That's misuse of CSMs.

That's a lot of experience being wasted on inconsequentials; makes no sense. That really need to be fixed if that misalignment of priorities is correct.

If a Bn / Sqn has, say eight to twelve COPS out there, the CSM oughta get to each of 'em at least once every week or two (if he appears more often than that, then the 1SGs and Co Cdrs get upset ;) ). That BTW is Bn /Sqn; Bdes are a slightly different kettle of fish but the principle and priorities for Bns still apply just longer periods and more people to care for. I'm aware of the dangers of travel in the 2004-2007 period; I'm also aware that food and ammo get or got to the COPs...

Oh -- and he ought to be doing that fairly regularly without tagging along with the Cdr most times.

It can be done; the good ones do it -- but it is frowned upon by too many including some Cdrs and thus I say it is a systemic problem of priority allocation. Mostly. Some folks aid and abet the system...

08-22-2008, 09:47 AM
I nearly spit Johnny Walker all over my screen after seeing that photo of the new uniform. That guy has more stuff on his shirt than a greeter at Wal-Mart. It looks like whoever designed this eyesore was trying to cram everything from every uniform into one. I support the effort to decrease the number of uniforms, but making that smaller set of uniforms so much more complex and foolish looking seems counterproductive. Whatever benefit is achieved by having one less uniform is offset by the frustration of assembling it and the embarassment of wearing it.

Now remember, Schmed, 15 pieces of flair is the minimum. More is always better.


Tom Odom
08-22-2008, 11:43 AM
Now remember, Schmed, 15 pieces of flair is the minimum. More is always better.


It's office space all over again....

Where's his stapler?

Ken, a whistle is a great idea. While at it we might as well add an accessory crackberry pouch in matching dayglo....


08-22-2008, 01:25 PM
It just doesn't compare to the flair of these uniforms. ;)


08-22-2008, 02:19 PM
"The implementation of this wear policy represents another step in our transformation to a campaign quality expeditionary force that is dominant
across the spectrum of 21st Century conflict.

Thanks for all that you do for the Nation and the Army. Army Strong!"

I think we've missed the brilliance behind the design of the new uniform. I believe this design was intentional. Given a choice of remaining CONUS and wearing this hideous unifrom OR volunteering for a MITT team and wearing ACUs, the choice is simple.

CSA/SMA is a genious- he has broken the mold of our culture to increase volunteer rates for deployments and assisting Big Army with embracing the Advisory Corps mission.

That's why we should never underestimate sergeants majors.

Army Strong!


Umar Al-Mokhtār
08-25-2008, 11:57 PM
the absymal headcovering that the female soldier is wearing. Why do the services insist on clinging to those ugly looking tar buckets? The barracks cover (service cap to you soldiers) fits women just fine. And when is the female dress "outfit" going to really become uniform, i.e. looking like all the other soldiers? And please spare me the "women require different tailoring," women wear almost identical uniforms as the males at the military academies without any untoward difficulties. Why not on active service?

Dropping the beret for traditional headgear like the Stetson for the cav folks and the Montana Peak for all others would certainly solve the wind, rain, sun issue; althought the drill sergeants may take issue. :D

08-27-2008, 08:58 PM
It's office space all over again....

Where's his stapler?

Ken, a whistle is a great idea. While at it we might as well add an accessory crackberry pouch in matching dayglo....


I'm just pissed that he beat me to the punch.

Bullmoose Bailey
12-17-2008, 05:38 AM
This is my favorite downrange uniform.


Yours truly in his best Aloha shirt, stetson, cigar, and guidon at COP Battle in March 2006. :eek:

Ahhh, the good old days. The great thing about being on a COP was that there wasn't a CSM around to get mad about it! :D

Roger that. COB=Garrison, COP=Theatre

"we went to war & garrison broke out"

As long as I still get to wear my stetson I can abide the ASU.

I notice you have no reflective belt in the photo.....

Bullmoose Bailey
12-17-2008, 05:52 AM
If we are consolidating uniforms and finding a way to make berets required less often, then I am all for it. It's dumb to have an abundance of uniforms and berets were a bad idea.

Now I only hope that the Army can come to a consensus opinion that wearing helmets, pistol belts, and canteens during parades and ceremonies is absolutely stupid. Ditto interceptors. It still amazes me that some senior officer wore a stripped-down interceptor with no SAPIs to the ceremony when two of his Soldiers had the DSC pinned on by the President. Who thought that looked squared away?

"Who thought that looked squared away ?"

that depends, did he have on his reflective belt also ???

12-20-2008, 03:27 AM
I wanna know who these thousands and thousands of soldiers that were polled about the various uniforms are? Have yet to find one to admit they where polled. I wonder how many of us will be confused with a 3rd world dictator?

12-20-2008, 12:32 PM
None of us.

We'll be confused with the local Mall security guards...:mad:

I I wonder how many of us will be confused with a 3rd world dictator?

12-20-2008, 05:15 PM
None of us.

We'll be confused with the local Mall security guards...:mad:
Unless your over 35, then you will be mistaken for a VFW member.

02-10-2009, 05:32 AM
There was a survey sent out in mid-2007 regarding the uniform. The survey was asking about mundane nonsense like the SSI badge or whatnot, and completely disregarded the fact that the uniform is one of the most god-awful pieces of junk anyone could have thought of. Seriously, if given the choice between the Army Service Uniform and the uniforms from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, I might choose the pastel disco pants from ST:TMP.

I replied to the survey saying "The Army might do best to re-examine the 'gays in the military' issue. Had we allowed openly gay people to serve, we might actually have a uniform that didn't look like it was designed by a colorblind idiot. Just saying."