
Type: Posts; User: socal1200r; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    That's why I don't have a smartphone, iPad, or...

    That's why I don't have a smartphone, iPad, or Kindle; still use a 3G flip phone; still have an iPod; still use a Garmin GPS; have less than 20 friends on Facebook, and most of their feeds are turned...
  2. Replies

    This is what happens when you try to bring a...

    This is what happens when you try to bring a western-style of centralized govt and govt services to a tribal-based country that's barely out of the stone-age, where corruption is rampant, starting at...
  3. From JP 3-22: Foreign Internal Defense: ...

    From JP 3-22: Foreign Internal Defense: Participation by civilian and military agencies of a government in any of the action programs taken by another government or other designated organization to...
  4. Negative internet research skills...

    Negative internet research skills are somewhat limited, and I haven't been able to find a "free", non-copyrighted version...guess we could always ping the author directly and ask his...
  5. Replies

    Yup...unfortunately, that's WAY too much common...

    Yup...unfortunately, that's WAY too much common sense, and not sexy or Gucci enough for the residents in the Puzzle Palace...
  6. Replies

    Carl - understood, but a good take away is the...

    Carl - understood, but a good take away is the same platform, configured a little differently, could do just about everything. Something like the Otter, C-27, or one of the Russian planes you...
  7. Replies

    I'm thinking more forward-firing armaments, like...

    I'm thinking more forward-firing armaments, like gun pods, missile launchers, etc., which will be easier to train the pilots to use effectively, in more of a CAS and strafing role. There's another...
  8. Replies

    Goprisko - simple question: is your proposed...

    Goprisko - simple question: is your proposed platform currently available for immediate COIN operations? You list a bunch of techno-babble and aeronautical big bang buzz words, but it's all moot if...
  9. Replies

    I work as a contractor in International Affairs,...

    I work as a contractor in International Affairs, and one of the things we keep our eyes on is the Light Attack Armed Recon platform for Afghanistan. Lots of good suggestions in here regarding a good...
  10. Replies

    The idea of having one battle uniform that works...

    The idea of having one battle uniform that works in all operational environments is a losing proposition from the get go. Personally, I didn't see anything wrong with having BDUs/black boots and...
  11. Sorry about that...let me look around...

    Sorry about that...let me look around...
  12. Replies

    It's been said before, the U.S. hasn't been in...

    It's been said before, the U.S. hasn't been in Afghanistan for 10 years, we've been there for 1 year, 10 times in a row...

    And I gotta ask this of George Singleton, who posted:

    "In Afghanistan...
  13. I'm far from being an "expert" in this, but if...

    I'm far from being an "expert" in this, but if you look at the current "phases" of a military operation, and overlap them with the D-I-M-E construct of the instruments of national power (Diplomatic,...
  14. Wall Street Journal July 5, 2012 [clipped...

    Wall Street Journal
    July 5, 2012

    [clipped for copyvio]
  15. WSJ - A Primer for American Military Intervention

    Nicely written piece...especially where he writes about, "Abstain from nation-building, transformation, and counterinsurgency..."
  16. Replies

    Hmmm...10 times higher than expected...sounds...

    Hmmm...10 times higher than expected...sounds like a rounding error to me, lol...
  17. Again, woulda, coulda, shoulda...did he, or did...

    Again, woulda, coulda, shoulda...did he, or did he not, violate the ROE's that were in effect at the time, yes or no? Can't make it any more black and white than that...I say "yes", others say "no",...
  18. One of the things I was taught when going thru...

    One of the things I was taught when going thru officer training school was making things black and white, peeling that onion back so it wasn't shades of gray anymore, but black and white. Makes the...
  19. That's why the military should NOT be used for...

    That's why the military should NOT be used for law enforcement. But that's not what's going on in this case. They were reacting to an IED, and the original posting mentions a "seasoned" Army...
  20. Therein lies the rub...according to the article,...

    Therein lies the rub...according to the article, he did not positively ID the victim as a threat, and did not positively ID this person's intent, before shooting her, which are both violations of the...
  21. My two cents' worth... I think it's a BIG...

    My two cents' worth...

    I think it's a BIG mistake to have it as a national policy / strategy / doctrine / whatever you want to call it, to have our general purpose forces as proficient in...
  22. Replies

    Watched a very interesting movie last night,...

    Watched a very interesting movie last night, called "Bloody Sunday", directed by Paul Greengrass from 2002. It's about the killings of numerous unarmed Irish civil rights protestors by British army...
Results 1 to 22 of 23