The Dodd-Frank bill is a charade. The Congressional record shows Bush II requested Congress slow down the Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac
give away 17 times. Dodd and Frank as the chairmen of their houses financial committee Pooh-poohed his requests. Why do you think Dodd retired instead of running for another term. He was toast. Frank bearly squeeked by a challand in MA in Nov.

The F-M and FMac appointees padded the numbers to increase their personal annual bonus's. Dodd and Frank brought them before their committees and yelled at them. Big Deal. They still walked away much richer than they came to their appointed positions. They should be breaking rocks some where hot and nasty. And that goes for the dadd and Frank vaudville duo as well.

What about all of the unfunded federal mandates that passed on the costs of medicare tot he states. The Obama Care bill tripples down on that unfunded mandate cost to the states.

You are correct, the states can not print their own money, and I haven't heard of seen any info in the media that the any state is contemplating printing money. The feds are printing money with zero sustenance in our coffers and China is holding our paper.

Nov., 2010 was step One in slowing down the train wreck. Obama and Pelosi ran the deficiet up so fast in the first two years that they spent more money tat all of the Presidents from George Washington to Linden Johnson. Nov., 2012 will confim you prediction that Obama is a one term wonder.

The fight that is going on now in NY, NJ, OH, WI, CA and IN to get a handle of the over spending is a positive action. James Webb of VA has announced the will not be running for a second term. He knows that being a democrat in VA in this climate is a no win situation. I respect him and believe he is one of the more clearheaded politicans in the nation. He was a hell of a Marine and his son is one two.

You and I and the others on this board will have to see how this current crisis plays out. Blood in the streets? I doubt it!

The majority of us here are current or former US Military. Can anyone see the US Military turning on the citizens of the US and killing them at the whim of politican? I can't see it happening. And the State NG's have fought the good fight since 9/11/01 and I don't see them becoming
some demigods muscle in the near or far future.