Most folks are cognizant of the "Daily Wail's" shortcomings but here ya go.

As for 'cadres', considering the phenomenal lack of skill shown by the Charlie Hebdo shooters or the bozo that got his ass beaten on the train at Arras, I think that term is excessively charitable.

"Expendable True Believers" are perfect candidates to send across the Med to slaughter some Infidels and in this internet age, ISIS C4 assets don't need to be risked as long as their same little hackers we've seen to date are on the job.

We've also already seen how the *real* ISIS cadre has no problem using volunteers as cannon fodder take positions from Assad's forces, so the perfectly logical extrapolation would find some with their bags packed wailing for the Euro media's cameras.

As for the Haddad 1, updates aren't that hard to find but I'll oblige.

Charges specified

Current vessel location indicates that it's still moored.