Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
The Montagnards were fighting for their 'tribe', not for the Americans. I believe this doesn't count in this context.
That's incorrect, most of the Montagnards were in the go along and get along mode until recruited by and paid by the US. You can and will of course believe what you wish.
What's remarkable in the case of U.S. troops is that they don't form U.S.Army units with 80-90% foreigners from the region...
Difference in national traditions and self-perceptions. *
I suspect the U.S. has a misleading perception of the quality of its own troops. Most of their qualities are of little consequence in small wars and other characteristics are outright problematic. This also applies to Western mercenaries.
A critical little bit more optimism about the utility of foreign culture troops (done right, not the ridiculous ANA approach) could serve very well.
In reverse order for the last assertion, see * above.

On the first three statements, totally true but Ganulv answers it far better than I :

"There is a tendency amongst Americans to talk themselves up, but I assure you that it is neither a universal amongst us nor exclusive to us."