Jedburgh---trying to understand your thinking.

Show me the individuals you speak of from the 70s and 80s out here in the field still trying to change the system that is not working. Where are they---they are not in the TRADOC training system nor or in the CTC system or at CAC on the TRISA side. Where are they? Where are they in the development of new educing techniques or theory? Where are they in the development of role playing and role writing? Show me the experienced personnel from the
70s and 80s out here trying to ramp-up 10-15 BCT HUMINTers prior to a deployment when in the 14 months since their return from a deployment they have done absolutely no sustainment training. OR let's see how do you tie a Multifunctional Team (MFT) to the interrogation process or overall HUMINT process when BCT Cmdrs have no idea of what a MFT does. Where are the experienced battlefield forensics types who also have deep interrogation experience?

I am personally not so sure you have read the Intelligence Board's article on Educing Information, nor am I sure you have ever been on a TIGER Team or worked at a BCT level where the system has declared you to be the judge, jury, defense lawyer, and prosecutor.

Blogging is a great past time --join us in the field in either Iraq or Afghanistan and try to make the system work and then tell me it is about me. Show me an interrogation technique from your side that answers how a young interrogator who has 96 hours is to proceed? Show me a technique from you that allows a patrol member to get into easily a conversation with an Afghan national and not make it look like an interrogation to the Afghan. What is the technique in TQ that allows a Company Cmdr to make the decision to release or move up the ladder? What is the questioning technique that is the most effective in getting an Afghan tribal council meeting to reveal information so necessary in counterinsurgency.

You talk the problems to death---where are the solutions?

I could go into how you tie "open source warfare" to interrogation and how that ties nicely into the spiral concept. Or I could discuss the recent research released in Nature magazine concerning "Ecology of Human Warfare" and how it verifies "open source warfare", but I see nothing of that tied into spiral questioning or other forms of interrogation techniques in your blog.

“The goal of the interrogation process is to develop the truth.” This simple
statement captures the spirit that animates Educing Information: Interrogation: Science and Art. The “truth” awaiting development in this case is what we think we know and what we really know about educing information (EI), a politically neutral term that encompasses often highly controversial human intelligence collection activities such as interrogation, strategic debriefing, and elicitation. In his article, “Approaching Truth: Behavioral Science Lessons on Educing Information from Human Sources,” Dr. Randy Borum explains: “Almost no empirical studies in the social and behavioral sciences directly address the effectiveness of interrogation in general practice, or of specific techniques in generating accurate and useful information from otherwise uncooperative persons (emphasis in the original).”

I was throwing open a discussion on a way of educing information-it can be discussed or ignored as I really do not care. Maybe we have ignored it way to long and so therefore caused the problems at Abu Ghraib, the black sites, or in Bagram or Gitmo.

I am basically tired of having to answer with each new employment position--"do you expect any blowback from Abu Ghraib". So maybe I am extremely interested in the success of educing information so maybe you are right it is about me as I doubt you are being asked "are you expecting any blowback" by anyone writing into this blog.

Have learned from this to avoid your site as a number of others do.