
I definitely agree that there are, and will always be, a few evil nut jobs out there who do evil for evil's sake, or who have formed a completely irrational view of government and build organizations around that shared irrational view to wage terror to advance that agenda. That goes to my point of starting with understanding the primary purpose for action and relationship to the population the group operates among. Pure CT tactics work very well against such groups/individuals - but in a law enforcement context, not a military warfare context.

I harp on the causal role of governance, not because I think that is the source of all terrorism, but rather because it is the aspect of dealing with terrorism that governments screw up the most. Also because it is, IMO, the crux of the nearly complete failure at the strategic level of our past 12 years of chasing ideologies and "bad guys."

Break - Just found and reviewed my tabbed copy. I have to concede, most of the tabs were positive, and that while I had a few concerns, that the overall message is one that I can endorse.