Quote Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post

Just came off a visit to FT Hood, and the damn near unanimous opinion is that LTG O walks on water, is thoughtful, inclusive, and "just gets it man"

Pretty high praise, and tough to argue with results.

I probably was still a skeptic until I talked with the folks who worked for the man. This is a damn good choice, because for all the hulking physical intimidation... He's a known commodity in Iraq with all important personal connections... and the commodity he's best known for is being tough in pinch... a good guy to have in the foxhole when the sh!t hits the fan.
I was with Hacksaw on this trip to Hood - have to echo. After reading Ricks' books and conversations with a few 4ID OIF 1 friends, I was prepared to find a kinetically minded HQ kept in check by Petraeus, and had to slap myself for preconcieved notions that people other than myself can't learn. I don't know why it suprised me, I learned/changed alot between my two tours. I don't know what the "Road to Damascus" moment was for LTG O, but whatever Kool-Aid he drank between 2004 and 2006, it was good.

His staff was organized properly for COIN and had the right mindset for action to support/enable the transformation of ops, and it was accomplished through no small amount of force of personality from the commander. My hat's off to him.