Quote Originally Posted by Spud View Post
In my gut design has just become what the IPB and MA should always have been but … I’m just a simple guy.

Grasshopper you have learned the deep/dirty secret.... I have yet to participate in or see the outcome of a design process that I didn't reach the same conclusion...

Of course this is not a popular opinion at the Intellectual Center of the Army... More than a few advocates have described in excrutiating detail that design goes beyond and yet not as far as MA... "Deep understanding of the situation"... what a crock of BS...

If a planner wasn't seeking as deep an understanding of the situation as he possibly could... in the time allotted... to better understand the mission and range of possible solutions, they were negligent...Period...

that said, if the nature of our organizational culture has reached a point in which MA had become a finger drill and Design is needed to pull it back into a thinking man's (gender non-specific) business - fine... I guess, but...

We are experimenting with this idea of design in time constrained environments.... huh... if design is a process of exploration to develop a deep understanding of the situation (as opposed to mission)... it is by its nature time intensive - so before we have even codified the process we are distorting it beyond recognition