The BBC is due to broadcast a TV programme tomorrow, part of the excellent series 'The Conspiracy Files' entitled 'Is Osama Bin Laden dead or alive?'. Link to a pre-broadcast article:

The series website and the programme will be available tomorrow evening:

Opening lines:
Osama Bin Laden died eight years ago during the battle for Tora Bora in Afghanistan, either from a US bomb or from a serious kidney disease. Or so the conspiracy theory goes. The theory that has developed on the web since 9/11 is that US intelligence services are manufacturing the Bin Laden statements to create an evil bogeyman, to justify the so-called war on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq and back at home. So is the world's most wanted man still alive?
Ending lines:
former CIA agent, Art Keller, is more damning:
"I think those conspiracy theories that he is dead are pretty much laughable," he says. It's easier to explain things away with a conspiracy than to face up to the difficult reality. In this case, the difficult reality is that we're trying to operate in possibly the worst area in the world and track someone who's very crafty and elusive and putting considerable effort to stay off our radar."
I know Bin laden's name appears in many threads, notably the recent 'Kill Bin Laden' thread, but so many issues are involved here: politics, info warfare etc it deserves its own thread.