I did not see the show so I am unable to comment specifically on the show, but I can say that in my 18 years with DEA I have spent my time on the sources of supply and not the street junkies. But, that's our mission. Well, the mission sometimes changes from administrator - administrator. MET teams, RET teams, gangs, follow the money, priority targets, OCDETF, assets, SWBI, interdiction - WTF! So, you do it all.

I would assume that when one supports leglization they are talking personal use amounts and not care givers or distribution centers for any and everything. Meth especially is so distructive at whatever amounts, but I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir on that one.

I did a foreign stint from 2000 -2002 in Pakistan - ran a Pakistani vetted unit of 50+ military officers and police officials - like herding cats. I'm sure someone in there was ISI. IMO big waste of money. What the U.S. is experiencing with akistan right now and the GWOT is no big suprise to me.

Things have changed over the years, no doubt about it. I use to take things personally - aphathetic public, knob supervisors, lazy prosecutors, but learned that I all I can do is continue to be a good public servant, earn my paycheck, make it a job and not a crusade, and control only what I can control. Maybe that's referred to as growing up.

War on Drugs? Maybe when I first came on. I'm looking forward to the day when I don't do this anymore - that gives ya a pretty good idea what I think about the War on Drugs.

I'm done whining.