FUCHS - your stimulis is not the same as Obama's stimulis.

His stimulis cost 887 Billion dollars. Your post on tax rebates is a stimulis that was sent out to taxpayers to invogorate the economy. $250.00 per taxpayer. The TARP Bill on 2008 was money loaned to Banks to stabilize the US Banking industry. It worked and the majority of those banks who were helped by TARP have paid back their loans with interest.

The STIMULIS BILL President Obama signed into law was supposed to generate jobs, and reduce unemployment. IT did neither. Wasted money and a 9.8% unemployment was one of the reasons the Republicans won the House majority last November. That and the rammed thru Health Care Bill that Nancy Pelosi said thise famouse words. "Now that the health care bill is passed we all can read it and see what's in it."

Not a single republican congressman or senator voted for the Health Care Bill. That bill has be ruled a unconstitutional by a federal judge.
The House is in the process of defunding that Trillion dollar boondoggle.