Posted by Fuchs
Oh, and before someone asks; the other, associated myth that an early action of all new dictators (including Hitler) is to disarm the population is wrong, too. Gun control laws were passed in Germany in the late 20's already, and multiple dictatorships around the world tolerated rifle and other arms possession by civilians.
True, in Iraq most families had firearms (assualt rifles) for protection, and that sure as hell didn't stop Saddam and his forces from effectively crushing dissent. I believe most North Korean citizens are indoctrinated, armed, and trained in militant activities from a very young age.

None the less, I am not giving up my right to own firearms. Laws that facilitate cooling off periods for 72 or so hours before you can purchase a weapon make sense, but the anti-gun activists want to a lot further than that. Forget the rebellion talk, most folks just want to go hunting or be able to protect their property and families from violent criminals.

Marc, the administration has a long record of being associated with left wing activists such as Acorn and the unions, and the administration failed to condemn the Black Panthers who intiminated voters at voting locations and even recently failed to comment on a far left Congress man's comments that were way out of bounds.

I'm an independent that dislikes the Tea Party as much as the far left, and in my view we don't need ideologues we need problem solvers. As you have probably observed our nation is becoming increasingly divided and unfortunately our political leaders on both sides are promoting and exploiting this for personal advantage. Extreme right and left wing rhetoric will eventually result in ugly events that are in no one's interest. When you play with fire you risk getting burnt.

I don't anticipate a revolution, though they're hard to see coming, and only appeared to be obvious in hindsight, but I do anticipate greater political violence if our leaders don't return to a more civil way of conducting business.