I have to wonder who, if anyone, would be "violent"? Would it be like a riot? Where there are just some people who are taking advantage of a situation? Or would it be joe citizen, out of work for too long, too far in debt, and fed up? The former should rightfully be arrested. The latter... it would be tough not to support my friends and neighbors. I just don't know what the alternative to the current political and financial make up of the country would consist of. A return to the (unamended) Constitution? Same game, different players? As far as the homeless people living in yurts, I am sure there is some number that is a tipping point for violence, if only locally. 70 is bad. But compared to some places I have been, 70 is nothing. SA seemed (to me) to be loaded with homeless when I was in Johannesburg and the North Coast last year. But they don't seem to want a revolution. (Plenty of other crime though, from what I was told.)