Quote Originally Posted by KingJaja View Post

Secondly, BH needs a permissive environment to operate - they can hide very easily in N. Nigeria, but Hausa-Fulanis stick out like a sore thumb in S. Nigeria (not to you guys, but we can tell the difference in an instant). So, it is extremely easy to pick out suspicious characters.
I understand that they would stick out and they have a lot to risk by helping or even allow such an attack to take place in Lagos. Yet, it is a huge, tantalizing target, but the eminent worries lay, as you point out, in the north and central belt.

Quote Originally Posted by KingJaja View Post

The greatest unknown is how the Christian population in Northern Nigeria will react. The Nigerian Government could secretly train and arm them to put pressure on BH (If you notice, many of the top positions in the Military are occupied by Northern Christians and Southerners).
The idea of Christians attacking is repulsive to me, but history is replete with such action, even some of the worst. But, people seem to be able to take only so much before they retaliate.

This brings the big question of how would one retaliate against BH? Do Christians in the north know where they are hiding? The government does not seem to know. Or, will they retaliate by hitting Muslim targets (which is quite another matter) like mosques and darasas? Hitting out at Islamic targets in general is sure to hasten a civil war.