Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
did this guy write the blog-gag?

I cannot help but feel a sense of deja vu, given that this author is Belgian. This policy was exactly how King Leopold managed to establish the Congo as his own private money-making venture and portray it as a charitable "loss" until Western authors--notably Conrad--exposed it for what it was.

As for the limit on troops in El Salvador limiting news coverage on the war there, he is in my opinion sorely mistaken because it did nothing of the sort. The news media was all over that story and it stayed that way. Bill Meara was there; he could comment on this one.


The media WAS all over that one, and the unwashed lefties WERE banging their silly drum outside the White House, but Joe Six-Pack didn't give a rip, (as I've said before, the electorate hates hippies) and in fact, the liberal hysteria over El Salvador and Nicaragua seemed to ADD to Reagan's reputation in the eyes of the electorate.

As long as the media cannot play off the conservative general dissatisfaction of lack of progress during COIN, shrill lefties don't have much traction in the US. No matter how much importance the media chooses to give to it.