Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
More in formation on Russian journalist who stepped on a Russian mine today who worked for the Russian Defense TV Channel:

The "journalist" Andrej Lunyova wore exactly the same uniform as the Russian army personal with the OSCE ... pic.twitter.com/jQa2J3exVw

And let me tell you, looking at his wounds I would say he tried to disarm it. None place trap in face height.

#Analysis #Map
The booby trap that hit a "journalist" in #Shyrokyne today is 750+ m away from the next Ukr position. pic.twitter.com/fCeKFmlHSY

Ukrainian forces didn't enter this area since 2 months, so it's highly likely the explosive trap was laid by Russian invasion forces.
Appears that this so called Russian journalist of the Russian Defense TV Channel was a former mercenary inside eastern Ukraine and tortured Ukrainian POWs.

#Kramatorsk volunteer/ex-militants' hostage recognized his tormentor in Russia Zvezda TV journo Andrey Lunev. Surreal http://obs.in.ua/index.php?option=co...news&Itemid=54