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Thread: Ukraine: military (Aug '14 to mid-June '15) closed

  1. #3181
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    The Ukraine has informed both Russia and the entire Western civilian leadership that they would view "a Russian peacekeeping force" entering the Ukraine as an act of aggression which then triggers both the UNSC and the UN General Assembly which in theory under the UN Charter concerning 'aggression by a member state"can override the UNSC much as it did in Korea AND it could in theory demand that Russia lose it's UNSC sit for this declared "aggression".

    Question is just what will the West do if this in fact occurs????

    There have been a number of social media reports concerniog the CSTO discussing exactly this move and the senior Russian General assigned to the Ukrainian JCCC is in fact the overall Commander of the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces AND he is already inside the Ukraine.

    Russia is preparing open enter of its "peacekeepers" - ATO HQ

  2. #3182
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    New Russian weapons systems not yet seen in the Ukraine-surprises me though.
    #Russia has been conducting firing trials with its new PRP-4A #artillery reconnaissance vehicle in Kemerovo

    Russia to redeploy #Grad missiles systems from #Torez to #Horlivka and the front. - Ukr intelligence

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    UA intelligence reports that militants intend to move Grad multiple rocket launchers from #Torez to #Horlivka, violating Minsk II

    This is an interesting Russian comment simply because the US has actually no real "informational conflict" efforts at all when compared to the Russian efforts.
    Izvestia says US propaganda fails to achieve Russian propaganda's success because it doesn't "popularize opinions."

    6 Ukr servicemen were KIA in the last day, 12 got wounded - ATO spox presser

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    Ukrainian policemen uncovered arms arsenal in #Lysychansk. Confiscated 116 explosives, 3 grenade launchers, 6 infantry mines, ammo

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    SBU detained 11 subversives in #Kharkiv region involved in terrorist acts. Confiscated major arms arsenal.

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    Ukrainian servicemen spotted 8 enemy UAVs. UA troops took down 1 militant UAV by Teple village, #Luhansk region

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    Pro-Russian militants fired from 120-mm mortars 16 times; twice from 122-mm artillery. Used tanks 3 times.

    We think these two - seen in vicinity of Lentsov - are part of Lentsov's GRU recon squad (45th Spetsnaz Regt, VDV):
    AND this is now not a provocation of Germany by Russia ?????
    The Russian embassy in #Germany supports Victory Day events that r organized by active Novorossiya "supporters".

    If Ukraine breaks ties with Russia, "it's cat soup for all of us," and other gems from frontline mayor Gepa Kernes
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-14-2015 at 10:48 AM.

  3. #3183
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    More indirect evidence that the Russian generals assigned to the Ukrainian JCCC together with their 70 plus staff are actually commanding the Russian troops and her mercenaries inside the Ukraine using the OSCE as "official cover"they are allowed virtual freedom of movement within the mercenary controlled regions and yet they cannot negotiate the right for the OSCE to enter their so called "restricted zones"--come on ........they are Russian Generals and what mercenary is going to refuse they requests---implies Russia has not a single intention in fulfilling Minsk 2.

    Now the Ukrainians are talking more about it--and what is the OSCE's response as well as responses from the West?????

    Yesterday TASS complained that the Ukrainians were now attacking the OSCE for being to biase---shows just how Russia needs the OSCE "official cover".

    "Russian generals from April 9-12, came to #Horlivka to discuss the upcoming offensive." - ATO spox
    They know,what's coming
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-14-2015 at 10:47 AM.

  4. #3184
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    Russia starts combat readiness drills in Western military district
    With all these snap military drills, Russia can only bend the spoon so far before it snaps.

    Report that Unknown helicopter or combat drone attacked militants position near Piski last night

    Militants uses mortars in Donbas
    Ukraine military says troops came under attack 26X, mainly from mortars (banned under Minsk agr.),6 servicemen killed

    On #Horlivka outskirts fighting/shelling.
    From #Donetsk residents report about RU fighters movement towards airport / #Pisky area.

    In Shyrokyne today one of the other journalists set off a booby trap. Now in hospital. Condition is He was wearing a Russian military camo uniform since he worked for Russian Military TV and yet claimed journalist status????
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 09:59 AM.

  5. #3185
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    Tymchuk says Russians brought in air defense system TOR into Donbas, Ukraine. …

    Russia's #nuclear blackmail has not worked, but next round of hybrid war may be more dangerous …

    Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
    RUAF strategic air force (Tu22/Tu95/Tu160) sw net up with voice traffic. Bears, Backfires or Blackjacks flying today?

    Russian nuclear weapons-capable strategic long-range bombers in the air for second day running?

    The battle for #Shyrokyno

    3Rus mil convoys of 40-50vehicles arrived in Popasna, 20APCs + 10tanks in #Debaltseve, 12tanks to Bryanka - Fedichev

    #Cyberattack on companies related to #defense and #military of #Russia.
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #3186
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    #Russia/n Air Defense drill. Notice the attack arrow from #Finland. #NATO #Baltic #fpol source

    Russian Air Force and Air Defense Radio-engineering Units Arrived to Ukraine:

    US accuses Russia of establishing new army bases in Ukraine

    What is wrong on banning Communism when Communism died in 1991?
    Lavrov: Ukraines laws banning communism disastrous for peace process in Donbas
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 10:00 AM.

  7. #3187
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    There are a number of ways to curb and or rein in Russian “hybrid warfare”—this is one way—taking the use of natural gas as an economic weapon off the table.

    Gazprom's CEO Miller protests against EU diversification and deregulation of gas trade seeing "serious risks."

    The second way to counter Russian “hybrid warfare” is to have a response 24 X7 365 to Russian propaganda and disinformation efforts.
    #Disinformation enters #Lithuania through strategic trolling of msg boards, blogs, tweets, and #RU language #TV.

    It's not just @Greenpeace and polar bears who are concerned. Rogozin: Russia starts "Arctic industrialization"

    Military buildup by Russia in Crimea ‘a threat to Black Sea region’ …

    Ukraine Live: Casualties Rise After Fighting Escalates - Our Latest Summary

    Zakharchenko claims Kyiv preps offensive - probably means militants are, by rules of RF propaganda. … via @SputnikInt
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 10:00 AM.

  8. #3188
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    Russian-backed rebels are shifting battle lines again in eastern Ukraine

    This graphic is a great depiction of exactly just how each new ceasefire contact line is used by Russia to setup the next offensive to take them to the new contract line--an interesting land grab technique the West does not seem to appreciate and seems to "not see".

    talk about getting suckered in on every new agreement--seems especially interesting in that the French and the Germans "do not see this tactic in play".

    Associated Press

    INNA VARENYTSIA, Associated Press

    Apr. 14, 2015, 2:31 PM

    DONETSK, Ukraine (AP) — Fighting has picked up in eastern Ukraine after more than a month of relative calm, as diplomats gathered in Berlin on Monday to discuss the country's crisis.

    Observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said Sunday that its mission observed an intense clash with the use of tanks and heavy artillery as well as grenade launchers and mortars in the north of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.

    On Sunday alone, the OSCE recorded at least 1,166 explosions, caused mainly by artillery and mortar shell strikes in northern Donetsk as well as on its outskirts including the airport, now obliterated by fighting.

    The OSCE also reported intense mortar fire outside the village of Shyrokyne, by the Azov Sea, but said its representatives were repeatedly barred from accessing the village on Sunday.

    Mortar fire was also heard at night and in the morning on Monday in central Donetsk.

    Rebel officials as well as Ukrainian and Russian colonels in charge of monitoring the cease-fire went early Monday afternoon to the northern outskirts of Donetsk, a scene of heavy fighting Sunday night.

    The rebels told reporters they took captive a Ukrainian soldier and showed the body of another Ukrainian soldier. Intermittent shelling and exchanges of machine gun fire were heard from what appeared to be half a mile from the scene.

    A rebel with the nom de guerre Monakh told The Associated Press that one rebel has been killed and five more injured in fighting in the north of Donetsk.

    Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, military spokesman for the Ukrainian presidential administration, told reporters at noon on Monday that one Ukrainian soldier was killed and six wounded in the previous 24 hours.

    The military conflict between Russian-backed rebels and government forces has killed more than 6,000 but had largely subsided since the cease-fire was announced in February and some heavy weaponry withdrawn.

    Both the OSCE and Ukrainian officials said they had witnessed shelling from heavy weaponry that was supposed to have been withdrawn from the front line.

    Col. Andriy Lishchynskyi, a Ukrainian representative for monitoring the cease-fire in the east, blamed the clashes on "a highly emotional state and personal animosity" between the fighters on both sides, according to the Interfax news agency.

    Rebels and government forces are still separated only by hundreds of meters at some sections of the front line.

    Foreign policy chiefs from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany are meeting to discuss the crisis later on Monday.

    Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian foreign ministry's special envoy, in a Twitter post on Monday described the fighting in the area as "setting the stage for another act of a policy drama that will be playing in Berlin today."

    In an indication that hostilities are picking up in the region, the rebel Donetsk News Agency reported on Monday that the number of injured fighters tripled over the weekend compared with previous weeks.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 04-14-2015 at 03:01 PM.

  9. #3189
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    Heavy fighting is still ongoing---Minsk 2 is now dead.

    Shelling in #Donetsk continues, no pause today

    Sound like there are serious battles right now all along the front line N-E of #Donetsk with small & big guns, tanks and artillery.

    No ceasefire in village of Shyroknye today, even during visit by OSCE monitors

    Very powerful roar of armor fr hway Putilovka/Yasynuvata area, artillery shelling fr #Makeevka tow. #Spartak

    In #Pisky-#Spartak-#Yakovlivka-#Yasynuvata area looks like russian forces went on offensive?

  10. #3190
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    Ukraine's secret service foils terror attack in Kharkiv region

    Russian MOD lied that US reconplane harassed near Kaliningrad was flying transponder off. has transponder data!

    how can the best Army in the world according to Russian TV lose thousands of dead Russian soldiers in Donbas ?

    More proof that #OSCE_SMM has difficulty distinguishing between real journalists and Russian MoD/GRU embeds...

    #Putin mistakenly believes his #nuclear blackmail will keep #NATO from defending #Baltics: …

    U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Warns That Russia is Behind Escalating Violence in Donbass
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 10:01 AM.

  11. #3191
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    More in formation on Russian journalist who stepped on a Russian mine today who worked for the Russian Defense TV Channel:

    The "journalist" Andrej Lunyova wore exactly the same uniform as the Russian army personal with the OSCE ...

    And let me tell you, looking at his wounds I would say he tried to disarm it. None place trap in face height.

    #Analysis #Map
    The booby trap that hit a "journalist" in #Shyrokyne today is 750+ m away from the next Ukr position.

    Ukrainian forces didn't enter this area since 2 months, so it's highly likely the explosive trap was laid by Russian invasion forces.

  12. #3192
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    Russian FM is now dissing his own mercenaries:
    Klimkin: Lavrov in Berlin has admitted that Motorola is a thug and does not represent Donbass.

    СММ ОБСЄ в Україні @OSCE_SMM
    Latest from SMM to Ukraine: Massive increase in number of ceasefire violations, esp around Donetsk airport, Shyrokyne

    Locals in #Shyrokine village beg @OSCE to stop the nightmare. But fighting breaks out again. …

    What Lies behind the Anti-West Outburst in Russia?

    Militants in Donetsk pulling ...
    They call it a secret weapon. More likely we see pieces of civil infrastructure going to the scrap metal.

    #Ukraine asks the Russia-supported terrorists to demilitarize Shyrokino area near #Mariupol city - Kuchma's spox.

    #Footage,allegedly from #Novoazovsk,shows Russian forces moving #Minsk-forbidden D-30 arties. …

    #Russia's next official invasion convoy moved through #Donetsk region today

    Another Russian 2S1 (122mm self-propelled arty) "in #Novoazovsk", breaching #Minsk2 deal. …
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 10:01 AM.

  13. #3193
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    Fighting ceasefire is reaching a new intensity. Minsk 2 is now dead.

    #Analysis #Map
    Heavy fighting between Reg. #Azov and Russian forces.
    Azov pounds the front. …

    22:01 #Donetsk, kalinovka @Serzzze: Heavy cannonade in the north
    @Little_angel_M: MG fire in Motel area

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:22 Mira St 1: Heavy artillery from the airport direction
    21:34 Oktyabr area:very heavy frequent volleys

    22:00 #Donetsk @HuAdvokatos: A tank went along Universitetsks St

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:22 Mira St 1: Heavy artillery from the airport direction
    21:34 Oktyabr area:very heavy frequent volleys

    #Makeevka @OldHistoric:
    20:50 Columns of 15 vehicles from #Donetsk via #Makeevka - tanks, BMP, SPG
    21:10 2 tanks moved back

    21:31 #Donetsk @902Albi: Battle in #Pisky non-stop today, 'the hottest day', volleys, everything but MRLS

    21:42 #Shakhtarsk @olegdon3: 7 big eighteen-wheelers and escort w/warning lights from #Donetsk eastwards.

    #Donetsk: Airport, the north of the city, Kievskiy and train station are under very heavy fire from direction of Avdeevka since about 1 hr.

    12:28 #Lutuhine: Volleys from #Mykhaylivka direction, or from #Illiriya 'arty range there'
    via @DIMAmeros

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:58 the center: (S)MG fire sounds
    21:58 Lenin Sq: rumble in the west & northwest, 'active heavy single'
    21:57 AVK area: single heavy volleys in the NNW
    21:58 DOK area: MG fire, like from the city center
    21:58 Gladkovka: rumble not far away
    21:58 railway hospital: close firing sounds

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:59 military lyceum: SMG sounds, MGs and 'something heavier'
    22:06 Marabushta: SMG fire from Pokrovske
    22:09 21st congress palace of culture: heavy rumble
    22:31 @0954771: Rozt Luksemburg St: rumble 15 min ago

    It looks very nasty. But there never was a ceasefire. There was a temporary de-escalation. Now it is escalating again.

    If the fighting continues in this way further civilian casualties and another panicked round of 'ceasefire' talks will follow.

    But neither side believed in this; too few monitors+lack strong mandate; no trust between major powers involved here. A mess
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 10:01 AM.

  14. #3194
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Fighting ceasefire is reaching a new intensity. Minsk 2 is now dead.

    #Analysis #Map
    Heavy fighting between Reg. #Azov and Russian forces.
    Azov pounds the front. …

    22:01 #Donetsk, kalinovka @Serzzze: Heavy cannonade in the north
    @Little_angel_M: MG fire in Motel area

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:22 Mira St 1: Heavy artillery from the airport direction
    21:34 Oktyabr area:very heavy frequent volleys

    22:00 #Donetsk @HuAdvokatos: A tank went along Universitetsks St

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:22 Mira St 1: Heavy artillery from the airport direction
    21:34 Oktyabr area:very heavy frequent volleys

    #Makeevka @OldHistoric:
    20:50 Columns of 15 vehicles from #Donetsk via #Makeevka - tanks, BMP, SPG
    21:10 2 tanks moved back

    21:31 #Donetsk @902Albi: Battle in #Pisky non-stop today, 'the hottest day', volleys, everything but MRLS

    21:42 #Shakhtarsk @olegdon3: 7 big eighteen-wheelers and escort w/warning lights from #Donetsk eastwards.

    #Donetsk: Airport, the north of the city, Kievskiy and train station are under very heavy fire from direction of Avdeevka since about 1 hr.

    12:28 #Lutuhine: Volleys from #Mykhaylivka direction, or from #Illiriya 'arty range there'
    via @DIMAmeros

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:58 the center: (S)MG fire sounds
    21:58 Lenin Sq: rumble in the west & northwest, 'active heavy single'
    21:57 AVK area: single heavy volleys in the NNW
    21:58 DOK area: MG fire, like from the city center
    21:58 Gladkovka: rumble not far away
    21:58 railway hospital: close firing sounds

    #Donetsk @Serzzze:
    21:59 military lyceum: SMG sounds, MGs and 'something heavier'
    22:06 Marabushta: SMG fire from Pokrovske
    22:09 21st congress palace of culture: heavy rumble
    22:31 @0954771: Rozt Luksemburg St: rumble 15 min ago

    It looks very nasty. But there never was a ceasefire. There was a temporary de-escalation. Now it is escalating again.

    If the fighting continues in this way further civilian casualties and another panicked round of 'ceasefire' talks will follow.
    But neither side believed in this; too few monitors+lack strong mandate; no trust between major powers involved here. A mess

    Sums up yesterday and last night--Minsk 2 is militarily speaking dead--the politicians just have not on the western side figured it out yet.

    #OSCE: Full scale battle taking place in the area of #Ukraine-controlled #Pisky - heavy artillery and mortar fire.
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 04-15-2015 at 10:02 AM.

  15. #3195
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    Silent advances reloaded: #Ukraine loses another village East of #Mariupol …

    The Easter ceasefire that wasn't:

    Also tonight, there is fighting at the fronts around #Donetsk city.

    ATO: Shelling continues, Ukrainian army repels militant attacks in Luhansk region …

    Russian army units with the UAV Zastava
    Units with «Zastava»
    m/u 51460 Khabarovsk
    m/u 71289 Ussuriysk
    m/u 08275 Pechenga
    m/u 02511 Kamenka
    m/u 90151 Gusev

    Russian units with UAV «Zastava» with control module
    m/u 12128 Totskoye
    m/u 01162 Dushanbe
    m/u 05812 Kuril Islands

    Russian units with UAV «Forpost» looks like our Shadow or the Israeli model that they purchased six of and then the production license
    m/u 20924 Kolomna
    m/u 30866 Chernyakhovsk
    m/u 44936 Budennovsk

    Russian units with UAV «Zastava»
    m/u 63354 Buynaksk
    m/u 41659 Aleysk
    m/u 12128 Totskoye

    Russian units with UAV «Zastava»
    m/u 20924 Kolomna
    m/u 04436 Gyumri
    m/u 20634 Vladikavkaz

    Russian units with UAV «Forpost»
    m/u 49324 Severomorsk
    m/u 69262 Yelizovo
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 04-15-2015 at 09:44 AM.

  16. #3196
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    Russian T72 with T64 retro fits:

    This am militants resumed attacks on Shyrokyne. Y-day a #Donbas battal serviceman was WIA, UAVs were spotted 19 times

    #Donetsk 9:34AM
    Fighting going on in the Volvo Center (#Pisky) - Sofiiska str. area.
    - via @donetsk_ukrop

    Dmitry #Tymchuk: most tense is situation in area of #Pisky-Avdiivka incl near #Donetsk airport. Enemy used 4 armoured vehicles, 2 AA mounts

    From 6pm to midnight, #Ukraine forces were attacked 23 times, all attacks repulsed – ATO

    There is a battle with mortar, artillery fire ongoing in #Pisky-Zhabunky area

    VIDEO So far unpublished interrogation with Cyborgs (in Russian) …

    RT broadcasts from peace-loving #Russia
    Russia's nuclear strike will be more devastating than US' preventative strike
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 04-15-2015 at 09:20 AM.

  17. #3197
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    It seems that the Ukrainian Army pulled a “Russian tactic” on the Russian mercenaries and it worked.

    In the area called Pisky which was close to the Donetsk airport battle that lasted longer that Stalingrad—242 days before the UA lost control of it –it was being defended by the last remaining Ukrainian volunteer BN.

    Stories kept leaking out of the moving of the OUN BN out of Pisky and “conflicts” between the Bn and the UA over the last week. Then a big story hit the news wires that the BN had pulled out and there had been some problems in replacing it with a Ukrainian regular army unit.

    Then the mercenaries jumped into the fight thinking they could win more ground and move the contact line further away from Donetsk city by attempting to fill the void created by the vacating OUN BN.

    What was not so clearly seen was the UA unit that “replaced OUN” was the battle tested 93rd Airborne Mobile Brigade that was ready for a fight as they had been overrun by the regular Russian army in the airport battle AND they were facing two Russian mercenary units known for torturing and executing UA POWs.

    There then ensued a major battle that is still ongoing—a single lone tweet came out a day or so ago from the two mercenary BNs involved in the fight to the effect they had been surrounded by the UA and were fighting for their lives—the Russian mercenary command has then attempted to rush in reinforcements.

    What is most interesting is that in the second Russian offensive which took Debaltseve they used heavily their MRLS systems almost non stop at a firing rate of 150 tons per day—now due to the Minsk 2 withdrawal agreements their MRLSs are totally of non use as that would be a clear violation of Minsk 2 and Russia would be then held responsible for Minsk 2 failing.

    Now the mercenaries are reduced to mortar and artillery attacks and are struggling to break the encirclement as they had become dependent on massive undirected MRLS fire.

    #Analysis #Map
    Last video of Batt. OUN before it was pulled back from #Pisky. …

    And right after they left some serious attacks started there. Just a coincidence, i'm sure

  18. #3198
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    Yday in #Luhansk area fighting reported fr #Krymske, #Sokolniki, #Slavyanoserbsk, Holubivske, Vesela Hora. 1 Ukr WIA

    Criminals from Russia,Chechnya,Serbia etc. getting Russian army combat training in E Ukraine. …

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    Map. Situation in eastern #Ukraine, April 15, 12:00 EET

    Ukraine's FM rules out amnesty for militants who shelled Mariupol and shot down MH17

    Ukr Secret Service conducts investigation against chief of FSB (Federal Security Service of Russia) on illegal weapons supply and terrorism

    Ukrainian official says militants smuggled some POWs into Russia …

    A Donetsk `selfie’ fan continues revealing the hidden equipment of the Russian hybrid army: …

  19. #3199
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    More indirect evidence that the Russian generals assigned to the Ukrainian JCCC together with their 70 plus staff are actually commanding the Russian troops and her mercenaries inside the Ukraine using the OSCE as "official cover"they are allowed virtual freedom of movement within the mercenary controlled regions and yet they cannot negotiate the right for the OSCE to enter their so called "restricted zones"--come on ........they are Russian Generals and what mercenary is going to refuse they requests---implies Russia has not a single intention in fulfilling Minsk 2.

    Now the Ukrainians are talking more about it--and what is the OSCE's response as well as responses from the West?????

    Yesterday TASS complained that the Ukrainians were now attacking the OSCE for being to biase---shows just how Russia needs the OSCE "official cover".

    "Russian generals from April 9-12, came to #Horlivka to discuss the upcoming offensive." - ATO spox
    They know,what's coming
    The OSCE is required to be impartial but in reality it responds to Russian influence.

    Today from the Ukrainian FM:

    Klimkin: Claims of cooperation between some OSCE mission members and militants are... …

    The OSCE mission in Ukraine has been SO INEFFECTIVE it appears sometimes to legitimise massive flow of Russian weapons/fighters into Donbas
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 04-15-2015 at 10:08 AM.

  20. #3200
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    It seems that the Ukrainian Army pulled a “Russian tactic” on the Russian mercenaries and it worked.

    In the area called Pisky which was close to the Donetsk airport battle that lasted longer that Stalingrad—242 days before the UA lost control of it –it was being defended by the last remaining Ukrainian volunteer BN.

    Stories kept leaking out of the moving of the OUN BN out of Pisky and “conflicts” between the Bn and the UA over the last week. Then a big story hit the news wires that the BN had pulled out and there had been some problems in replacing it with a Ukrainian regular army unit.

    Then the mercenaries jumped into the fight thinking they could win more ground and move the contact line further away from Donetsk city by attempting to fill the void created by the vacating OUN BN.

    What was not so clearly seen was the UA unit that “replaced OUN” was the battle tested 93rd Airborne Mobile Brigade that was ready for a fight as they had been overrun by the regular Russian army in the airport battle AND they were facing two Russian mercenary units known for torturing and executing UA POWs.

    There then ensued a major battle that is still ongoing—a single lone tweet came out a day or so ago from the two mercenary BNs involved in the fight to the effect they had been surrounded by the UA and were fighting for their lives—the Russian mercenary command has then attempted to rush in reinforcements.

    What is most interesting is that in the second Russian offensive which took Debaltseve they used heavily their MRLS systems almost non stop at a firing rate of 150 tons per day—now due to the Minsk 2 withdrawal agreements their MRLSs are totally of non use as that would be a clear violation of Minsk 2 and Russia would be then held responsible for Minsk 2 failing.

    Now the mercenaries are reduced to mortar and artillery attacks and are struggling to break the encirclement as they had become dependent on massive undirected MRLS fire.

    #Analysis #Map
    Last video of Batt. OUN before it was pulled back from #Pisky. …

    And right after they left some serious attacks started there. Just a coincidence, i'm sure
    Proves my theory---the OUN BN never left and thus the UA was in over strength when the Russian mercenary BNs conducted their ground attack.

    You can add 3 #RightSector troops, injured in #Pisky.

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