...Thanks to all who replied...I am a big boy and was very amused by some of the postings (do some of you actually believe there is a difference among MOSs etc, or that one should be proud to have taken cold showers on TDY, or that comparing the personnel at Walter Reed with students is actually an argument that passes any sort of intellectual muster?)...but I feel that more important things need to be debated...the first line of my posting was that I couldn't find an appropriate spot for the rant so I posted it there...I do get it...I ranted and paid for it...

I am a DAC...with 24 years in the Navy (with over 49 months of deployed overseas time on ships, so I am not a neophyte) and combat time in Bosnia and Iraq flying in F-14s (not like some of your combat time, but time nonetheless)...and 10 years of PME education teaching...etc etc the point is not my credentials, but that I feel it is time to change the culture of the Army (Walter Reed, PTSD treatment of returnees, etc all are facets of the Army not really doing what needed to be done except when forced to by the media)...

And this blog will be an excellent teaching tool...don't be afraid though, I always let my students make up their own mind about what is right and wrong...all I will do ask them questions concerning aspects of the various points made in the pages of the blog...they may think I am a buffoon (as many of you will probably agree)...

Keep on going for it...
