Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
Nice job putting that together.

1. Where do you find the ACH softwear?
2. Is it available w/o charge ie free?
3.Where does one find a good and detailed description of what it does?

So much for the practical questions. Now for something methodologically substantive - How did you arrive at your coding for credibility and relevance? While I generally agreed with you there were a couple (1 - 3) relevances that I questioned and a few more (3 - 5) credibilities that I questioned. In a similar vein, was Low not an option? And if it was, why did you not choose it in any case (I really thought there were a couple of low creds and 1 low relevance)?

Again, ya done good!!!!!


I'll second that.

John, I'm intrigued by the tool as well. Here's a start: Analysis of Competing Hypotheses.

Here's one tool: ACH2.0.3