@JMM99 you wrote "Stinky's 21 Apr 2009 special report, Jared Diamond’s Factual Collapse: New Yorker Mag’s Papua New Guinea Revenge Tale Untrue, Tribal Members Angry, Want Justice (492 KB in pdf on disc), which was essentially a press release."

In fact, our report says very little about the lawsuit. And to say that our serious discovery and research was a "press release" no doubt ignores the importance of our discovery. Namely, that innocent men were charged and convicted in the court of public opinion by a powerful scientist and magazine of heinous crimes--without one ounce of verification before publication. This is an outrage to the freedoms the press has been given and I would think this would have some meaning to you?

Instead, our conclusion that this was injustice to innocent persons and wrong, and our call that such unethical behavior should not be tolerated by decent society is criticized by you.

As you know, there is a tradition in journalism of investigative reporting that leads to either enforcement or litigation as crimes or wrong behavior is revealed. A newspaper, or other media outlet, for example, then advocates for justice to be served. It is called "editorial content" and serving the public good, not a press release.