Quote Originally Posted by Chris jM View Post
I'm talking about harm, full stop, enemy/ civ/ FF inclusive. I perceive it to be cultural so I see the indoctrinate is total and all-encompassing. Perhaps I'm wrong - I rather hope that I am...
When an army spends its time on peacekeeping and humanitarian missions and is most unlikely to ever allow itself to get sucked into a real shooting war to any significant degree then it can indulge in the luxury a doctrine of low harm military operations. Perhaps even be proud they they never fired a shot in anger during the deployment to such-and-such a country. (This is not work for an army)

Perhaps this should evolve into another thread where perhaps the necessity of small countries to even train with say armour which they will probably never ever use can be debated.

Countries in Africa maintain large militaries (for their size) to suppress their own people and prey on their neighbours rather than defence of their own nomeland.

For instance what are the realistic prospects of an invasion of the NZ islands?