Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
I'd go with the V2C2 105, the 120 Mortar and MLRS with no 155. However, the US Army isn't headed that way.

The long range 105 offers lighter weight and lower cube for ammo, a significant advantage. The 120 Mortar offers Infantry Cdrs excellent firepower and reasonably decent range with a more capable shell than the 105. The MLRS offers volume of fire/ HE, far more range and better accuracy than any 155 is likely to reach. However, there are some 155 advantages and that seems to be the way the US is going.
MLRS only offers better accuracy when using guided munitions right? Unguided MLRS is far less accurate than unguided 155mm. Also, isn't munition cube for MLRS much higher than for 155mm?

I'd like to see us develop a smaller, guided rocket for MLRS; essentially something permitting more shots per pod, with smaller effects and hopefully cheaper per shot. A GPS-guided Israeli LAR-160 might be one option. Or the LockMart P-44. Or even a guided-GRAD.

155mm and 105mm seem complementary. 155mm (in 52 cal) has greater range, and far more ongoing munition development than 105mm. OTOH, 105mm is useful when ammo cube/weight is of critical importance (e.g. Afghanistan)