Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
It is about learning curve, TTP's etc. You just have to be flexible and find gaps
Almost incapable insurgents may provide years for trial & error, but modern land war is quick. Days or weeks suffice to break a medium-sized army. It has been like that for centuries, actually.

And you didn't get my point about the Su-25 and Stinger. The AFG scenario led to careful Soviets.
The Israelis and Argentinians did not become that careful when faced with a comparable battlefield air defence threat.

The Israelis had the guts to attack SA-6 batteries with A-4s despite 23mm AAA.
The Argentinians had the guts to attack the RN with low-level bomb runs.

A heavy Bde which faces one or two LAHAT-armed infantry battle groups will simply attack, behave like Israelis and Argentinians did - not like the Soviets did.

kaur, I actually wrote about this problem in January.