Quote Originally Posted by huskerguy7 View Post
Yes, the blockade would hurt us. However, we import oil from other areas.
It’s a global commodity so the US would still have to pay hundreds of dollars a barrel. Moreover, the countries that do get the bulk of their oil from the Middle East are going to be pissed off; and since China would be financing said military adventurism anyway, the Iranians would have a lot of leverage playing that card. Modern blockades are not about literal survival in the siege warfare sense, but rather the leverage derived.

Quote Originally Posted by huskerguy7 View Post
The prices will go up causing some negative effects on the economy, but we could hold out.
How? Our country was strangled at $150 bbl in 2008; we are talking about $200-300 bbl, minimum. Our economy cannot function without oil; our society cannot feed itself without oil.