Quote Originally Posted by bourbon View Post
Few things are more important than oil in international relations. And in this case nuclear programs and unstable regimes are intricately connected to the oil issue.

Secure sourcing and supply is important, but unless you are plundering the oil, it still has to be paid for. And when Iran is choking-off the supply of Middle East oil, the price is going to be in the hundreds of dollars per barrel.
Speaking from out here in the colonies I must let you know that we see this US oil crisis (or potential oil crisis) a somewhat of an own goal. It appears you have oil reserves at home or close to home which for environmental reasons you are not tapping and have steadfastly refused to push for the development of alternative fuel and renewal energy systems.

So if you (the US) had thought this whole thing through and acted many years ago there may have been no need to go into Iraq and now no need to worry about Iranian oil supplies.

Then again right nearby the Chinese seem to be grabbing the local oil. China Lends Venezuela $20 Billion, Secures Oil Supply. Someone asleep at the wheel again?