Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Don't use Uzbeks to police Pashtun areas. Understand and exploit the tribal/ethnic diversity to best advantage.
I remember this assertion (which I concur with) when reading a report discussing suggestions for the ANP. Scenarios like the one quoted are really happening. To be specific, there has been a significant amount of cases where Tajiks are deployed to police in Pashtun areas. This results with some ethnic friction.

Some ask "How is the ANP/ISAF so stupid in this scenario?" Are they thinking clearly? Answer: Yes, their actions can be supported by a legitimate argument.

Everyone can agree with the fact that the ANP are quite corrupt and don't always carry out the law. The thinking behind this deployment was that if people from the outside, who aren't familiar with the area, then they're going to be less prone to corruption. But, as we have noticed, ethnic friction can occur.

So, what do you guys think? Should "outsiders" (not ISAF soldiers) be sent to these villages, or should we try to rely on local forces?