Quote Originally Posted by huskerguy7 View Post
The chance of success for completing this is slim, if not impossible. Knocking out Iran's reaction force is impossible because it's quite concealed. How do we know that there aren't Quds Force operatives in Mexico ready to infiltrate the US and cause damage? Are we even sure that we can prevent an Iranian blockade in the Strait of Hormuz (anyone remember General Paul van Riper's wargames)? You're overestimating US capabilities.

It sounds good in theory, but it is not in the least bit practical.
Well you are assuming that the strike needs to be against their nuclear facilities. I would suggest that what is needed is a demonstration of intent that Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon.

Start with a little "shock and awe" demonstration to make sure the regime knows you are serious (and make sure you don't kill civilians not involved in the nuclear programme nor upset the lives of the population at all).

For example a precision strike on a full sitting of the Islamic Consultative Assembly might just send the right message (after giving them a fair opportunity to come clean on what they have been up to start to dismantle the programme).