In my earlier post I did not address how we lost the war on drugs, well in my opinion it was changing stategies, political correctness, too many different federal agencies working dope, in fighting between federal agencies, and the fact we have a free society (freedom is good). There are many countries who deal with drug crimes much more harshly then we do and they do not have the problem we have.

Another thing I never quite understood is why the Drug Czar was not the DEA Administrator. Then again, I'm biased.

Not that I have all the answers, but if I ran the show and could get people on the same sheet of music (good luck) I would combine drug enforcement efforts at the federal level under the DEA. That would mean the ICE, ATF, FBI, etc working dope would work with the DEA everywhere. Again, I'm biased. Never happen. We tried in the 1990's with the Southwest Border Initiative - Customs, DEA, FBI, and USBP. DEA and Customs constantly argued over Title 21 authority and Bureau does not like to have their people answer to others.

At the local/state level I would deputize more officers so they can work across state borders and have the protections that I have as a federal agent. I have found over the years that state laws tend to be more restrictive when it comes to drug investigations i.e. use if search warrants, consenual recordings, use of tracking devices. One area the states seem to get it right is with wire taps - the title III law or maybe it's DOJ's policies need to change. Exhausting all avenues before getting a wire tap is time consuming and costly. Obviously so much can be gleaned from taps and the tap is quite effective at dismantling an organization. But, with the frequent use of the cell phone to C2 drug organizations it should be something that we do sooner then later. Of course the use of taps depends on federal district -federal district. It seems to be much easier to get one in New York then one in Oregon.

Going back to deputizing more locals - you have to have C2 or everyone is running around doin their own thing - kind of like now. Drug cops and their egos! Not that DEA is any better at then anyone else, but DEA should have oversight or C2. Remember I'm biased.

I've learned a lot over the years. I started off in Honolulu assigned to a plain clothes patrol unit patroling the China District because my DEA boss said I needed to learn from cops because they know how to talk to people. Well, I learned and had a blast. That's the perfect fit for a 23 year-old with a blue flame shooting out of his ass. I've seen it all until I go to work Monday.

If I'm coming off as an expert that was not my intention - I am far from it because if I were I would have solved this a long time ago. This is all my humble opinion.

Night gents.