It hasn't been but a few years ago that the real nature of the FBI's efforts against the KKK during the Civil Rights Movement days came to light. Talk about bending the rules but hey, what works, works and their tactics turned the tide against the klan. I have a good friend who was down there in those days and he tells me there was much more violence and intimidation on the part of the klan than the media was reporting. This friend of mine lasted just over a month as a civil rights volunteer then he left and returned north. He said they had to sleep in a different house each night and always slept on the floor because the klan would shoot out the windows with shotguns if they knew civil rights workers were in a given house. The ACLU did not get on the band wagon with the klan and never really has, nor will they get on the band wagon with this new bunch and the aryan nations. After all, in the minds of ACLU types and Liberals in general, they are not minority members oppressed by evil America and George Bush. A few illegal wire taps here and there, some roughing up of suspects here and there, some pushing of the proverbial envelope against this new internal threat and we won't hear a peep from the Liberal camp. Put a pair of woman's panties on the head of one of these guys arrested and you can bet your boots it will never hit the print. Fine, I can live with that and I can live with bending the rules against home grown terrorists and criminals but I have a problem with the double standard. Profile these outlaws and we won't hear a peep of protest, will we? Monitor their emails and there won't be any Liberal outrage expressed and it won't make the talk shows.