Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
According to this DD Form 458, Manning has far more serious problems besides becoming a martyr

I sure hope he doesn't have issues with being around large furry males with low morals.

Sorry, couldn't help meself
The left will build him up to be a hero/martyr/whatever. They would love it if he hurt himself or more whilst in confinement. They don't care about Bradley Manning they care about milking the situation for all the propaganda value they can.

Put him away on the video count right now and deal with the rest later, is what I say.

Let me share with you something about the large furry males bit.

You don't want to be placed in a communal cell in a South Africa jail (and probably those of a number of countries). We had a rather loud community member who went on and on about throwing all those who break the law into jail and let them do what they like to each other (you know what I mean) just get them off the streets.

Fast forward a year or so to late one Saturday night when his 18 year old son gets stopped DUI (driving under the influence) and is so far over the limit that he gets put in jail for the night.

The kid gets passed around the cell that night and seriously gang raped. He has an immediate mental breakdown and commits suicide 3 months later. Father is now a broken man and is seriously bitter about the lack of control in prisons where such things are allowed to happen.