Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
Here comes the kill'em! faction.
We prefer the terms "Classical" "Orthodox" or "Fundamentalists." You cannot change War or what works best in warfare. Warfare is conducted via killing. How that is best done is the only thing up for debate. There are no kinder of less bloody ways of war that can ever work.
War can only be justified if it's the smaller evil than peace, for it's inherently destructive. A strategy needs to offer the prospect of being the course of least net damage to yourself (and your allies). An eliminationist approach regularly fails at this.
Not true. What you state is just you personal belief. It has no bearing on War itself. War is how you advance or resist a policy via killing. Strategy makes no distinction or rules about cost effectiveness, though low cost for great gain is nearly always sought, as who would do otherwise?
The problem is especially obvious if one aims for total elimination.
I never advocate total elimination. I advocate seeking attrition in terms of what serves the policy. I also want attrition conducted in such a way as it breaks the will of the opponent to resist my policy via violence.