Quote Originally Posted by Brihard View Post
I'm curious as to your comment about the 'wonderful military history of Canadians in the past' versus 'the situation today'. I would say that the situation facing the Canadian military today is better than it has been in decades- we have a better equipped, better trained, more modernized and more combat experienced force than we've had in a long time. What is it about 'the current situation' that causes you to lament the state of our military- and what's it got to do with gays or women serving in uniform?
See my response to Rex in the main.

Perhaps you should start with Report of the Somalia Commission of Inquiry. Then start to read through stuff which is available on the Net. You say you are serving so you should be able to lay your hands on material which is not open source. I suggest (with some sadness) that there were and still remain serious problems within the Canadian military which can't be wished away.

BTW who told you the modern Canadian army is better than it was in the past?