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Thread: In The USA: the Next Revolution

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  1. #11
    Council Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Down the Shore NJ


    Ken White posted.

    "We, the Voters, got a good start last November -- vote out all incumbents!!! "

    Ken, Gov. Scott has been in office for about 6 weeks. He was elected on Nov. 4, 2010.

    His first act was to reduce taxes to stimulate WI's economy and generate jobs.

    The puff balls on msnbc are equating the tax cuts as "distributing money to his republican crony's." He is one of several new Republican Govenors who few of us have ever heard of that IMHO will be political stars in the next few years. Andrew Coumo (D) the new NY Govenor is going after the public jobs sector, and targeting teacher's first. He is acting in a very conservative manner. It's almost like he took a page out of NJ Gov. Chis Christy's play

    The key word in WI, NY and NJ is "We are out of money and can not afford to pay you the giant perks of the past.

    Ohio, is heading toward the same senerio.

    The professional protesters are being bused in from beyond WI's borders and Saturday should be an interesting day in Madison. The local WI Tea Party is holding a Gov. Scott Support rally in Madison on Sat. It should be an interesting stand off and I hope it doesn't become a headbashing moment in the Sunday Morning headlines.

    A group of protestors showed up at the Govenors home yeaterday morning and raised a stink in that peaceful suburb. Gov. Scott has small children, but his said this moring that he will not be intimidated.

    I've listened to some of the protesting teachers say they would be willing to contribute too their pension and medical plans, but are adament about not giving up their right to negotiate future contracts.

    If the Gov. gets an agreement from the Teachers on the pension and medical cost sharing I believe he has the retention of collective bargaining chip to give back.

    Lets see who blinks and how soon. The teachers who failed to show for school this past week are playing chicken with their jobs. The Madison School Board was seeking an injunction this morning on ordering them back to work or terminating the lot of them.

    Can you say Ronald Reagan and AirControllers and remember the action taken?

    The millions of WI taxpayers who pay large school taxes and pay the full boat on the teachers pension and medical might reach a point where they react to their children, not getting the education they are paying for.

    Has anyone googled the average wage paid WI Teachers? 35 K seems a bit light for "tenured teachers". Newbie's, may start at that, but what does the average teacher recive in compensation, including benefits?

    Follow the moola!
    Last edited by RJ; 02-19-2011 at 06:06 AM.

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