FUCHS - most of the bank bailout money signed by Bush II has been paid back by the banks with interest.

The Stimulis has only spnt a third of the final funding, the rest is being held in a slush fund by the Dems. They lost the House of Representatives last November and that is the portion of our government that authorized the expenditure of money.
I see signs that the Senate will be voting on the reduction of cost along the lines of the cost cutting vote in the House of Reps. If passed Obama has the power to veto it. Then the question will be, does he have the guts to do it! Vetos can be over turned by Congress and the People are engaged and mad at the wild spending spree they have seen in the past two years.

The more they see the costs and the restrictions in the Health Care Bill and the fact that most of the stimulis money spent so far has been to bolster the public union employees while thousands if not millions of other citizens are losing they homes to forclosure and million of private sector jobs have been lost, the stronger the pressure will be to stop the spending, reduce the size of government and generate jobs.

The government is broke. State and Federal spending must be slowed down. Less taxes across the board and a common sense look at the thousands of regulations that have been added to the burden of the private sector have to be eleminated.

Gentlemen, If you can get a transcript of Gov. Christie's Budget Speech
on Tuesday, I suggest you read it word for word. It is a blueprint for turning NJ around and setting it on a different course.