America has revolutions in the voting booth. That's how we do it. All the semi-survivalist end times crap is just that, a load of crap. If you want to do it with guns you're being seditious and disloyal at the very least, and you'll get put down hard. It's not even a good idea to flirt with those ideas, because when you treat them like a fun shiny toy you stop rationally looking at better options, instead all you look at is the fun shiny toy. That toy's a lot of fun right up until everyone starts dying because people are being stupid. The one thing the US civil war taught us is that killing each other is a bad idea under any circumstance, and wholly unnecessary. Things were decided in that war, important things, and people don't get to revisit them and renegotiate the outcome through violence. We have better options than that, we learned that much at least. The sort of options that can be found in a democracy where people vote.

I think the next revolution will come when instead of %60 percent of people not voting, that more than %60 vote. Voting and peaceful political participation are a part of what makes up being a good American, and keeping the values the country was built on. It's not found in selective political fundamentalism, it's not found by ignoring the present and only looking at the words you want to read from the country's founding either. That path of radical extremism is a path of ignorance and failure.