In reference to some of the discussions above on a no-fly zone:

A NFZ over Libya would require some work, but is definitely do-able- see Danger Room's analysis.

It would require some airstrikes on SAM sites, if they are operational. Unless significant civilians have encamped on the SAM sites, it wouldn't involve too much risk of collateral damage.

As Secretary Gates has pointed out, you would have to be prepared to rescue downed pilots, and this does increase the risk of getting pulled into the conflict, however.

As for killing friendly aircraft, that risk has been over-hyped. The only incident of this that I am aware of is the 1994 Blackhawk shootdown. This incident wasn't due to the NFZ being ineffective, but due to negligence on both the E-3 and F-15C crews involved. We have operated extensive no-fly zones over the United States for the last 10 years with 0 friendly fire incidents; this would not be a big issue.

All my opinions of course, but having done a lot of NFZ work, it's not rocket science tactically. As to the strategic wisdom of doing it, that's a different can of worms.

