Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Was? No was to it, still going on and likely to be for a while -- so I am dubious about your "The saving grace of course is that the military will step in, wrap it up in a few days..." Quite dubious, in fact. No doubt about that at all. Coalitions always do, nature of the beast. Not much sense ever expecting much else.
Maybe you missed it but everyone (except you apparently) now agrees that the NFZ is in place and effective (and was from day two). So keeping it that way be expensive and boring (for the pilots). Was rather simple wasn't it?

Maybe not even worth the cost of 130 or so Tomahawk missiles and other ordinance the use of which seems to have drawn criticism from the Arab League, African Union, Russia, China and other odd bods.

Still would have recommended using the three cruise missiles routine right up front. Would have saved a lot of lives and a lot of money.

BTW any idea why you think the Gaddafi controlled TV and radio is still on the air?