Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
And none of them needs to fly into the engagement envelope of any Libyan air defence battery anyway. That's only an issue for strike fighters which engage heavy ground combat systems in order to 'protect civilians'.
Most of us would probably try and see your salient points if:

1. You were a veteran fighter pilot who frequently escaped near-death experiences with vintage SAMs and lived to tell about it
2. You were a senior officer or NCO with years of service on the dark continent (transiting airports does not count)
3. You were an AWAKS driver
4. You were a president or foreign minister with years behind the helm intentionally making decisions that put people in harm's way and prepared to back your Bravo Sierra with your reputation
5. Own and fly a Learjet
6. All of the above

Since you probably are not any of the above, your opinions are not well grounded and putting mucho cash and people at risk defending your opinion is a bit hard to swallow.