Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
...but that said what reflection may I ask does this have on the performance of the South African airmen and ground crews who served with the US 18th Fighter Bomber Wing in Korea nearly 60 years ago?
However it is a good commentary on how all Nations, like people, have good times and bad times...

To echo Dayuhan, why didn't you let us know we were responsible for Hungary, certainly had we but known we were, we would have done something.

Alas, we knew not and determined it was not in our interest to attack the Bear at the time. Nor is it necessarily in our interest to throw Qaddafi out and the fact that you think we should have done both those things apparently matters little and it seems that many do not agree with you including US decision makers then and now. The fact that President Obama says Daffy has to go is political rhetoric. All rhetoric is cheap and easy, political ranting is particularly so. No matter who does it.

Fortunately, most people pay little attention.