
I do not take myself seriously, but the issue that I am discussing about in here. You should be able to make that distinction.

It's not about what people think of themselves. Few think that they do wrong.

It's about resisting small steps into a wrong direction, even if the seem to be unimportant as for example making that 4th Amendment remark.

Small, incremental steps add up, as if they were an intentional salami slice tactic - and some people even do this intentionally.
You seem to think of yourself as a stalwart pro-constitution guy who cannot do wrong in regard to civil liberties.
That basically means you're extremely prone to do what you think you would not do. You're simply not critical enough of yourself, not willing to resist the urge to tolerate the incremental steps. You see no evil in the tiny stuff, even though that adds up.

In short; you were apparently raised in a country that did not apply lessons from experiencing the ruin of a republic and the establishment of dictatorship.

Evil regimes aren't build on the foundation of evil men. They're being built on 5% evil men and 95% men who don't resist.

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Again: Military and law enforcement should not be mixed in a Western-style state. Especially not if the former is being used to suppress resistance in foreign countries.

Tell the LE guys to found their own forum and to draw lessons from foreign police institutions, not from the military or even from actively spying intelligence services.