Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
That's one of those world has changed things -- and yes, human nature, too -- pick and shovel work is not needed so much in current engineering and is not in the cards for today's armed forces; the kids hate manual labor.

Got another one? You can go back further if you wiah, I was just trying to make it easy on you and relevant to today's social norms (human nature may not have changed much but those norms sure have).

Have you considered a job at CNAS?
Human nature hasn't changed. American mores have as you indicate. My observation on human nature has more to do with the people of the world. You can do an awful lot with a pick and shovel overseas and you will have lots of guys who want to swing them.

How about the Philippines? (I know you're expecting that and have a reply pre-printed.)

CNAS won't have me. I can't get through Clauswitz and didn't read Galula's second book. I keep thinking "What did Clauswitz have to say that Slim's SGT didn't and what is in the other book that isn't in The Village?"