Hm! If the Dems were being led by the far left, Gitmo would have been closed by now.
Motorbox, there are checks and balances in the system, so Gitmo remaining open doesn't mean the Senate majority leader and House miniority leader are not left of center-left. It could mean that no matter how far left they are, they realize there are viable alternatives that are politically acceptable. Regardless of their left of center leaning, they'll be held accountable by the American people to implement policies that protect our nation. Our President is left of center-left, but is forced by realities to graviate somewhat more to the center than he would like. None the less we still have gay marriage, the appeal of the don't ask don't tell, a health care bill no one understands, a desire to significantly increase taxes, an attempt to greatly reduce DOD spending to protect entitlement spending, and so forth. These discussions were healthy in the past because they forced compromise in the middle, but now the ideologues have dug their heels in on both sides, so now we have dysfunction and frustration.

I agree with your assessment on the violence, and think some of it is hidden, and there is risk that some it will go viral out of wide spread frustration, lack of hope, anger, and a desire to vent their anger against someone who probably has nothing to do with their situation. It isn't too late to turn this around if the right leaders (probably won't be politicians) gain the media spot light and mobilize the American people the right way. We're going to need a MLK equivalent to generate concensus and compell peaceful action to turn our economy around.