Quote Originally Posted by kowalskil View Post

Consider a complex machine which works but not perfectly. Anyone can destroy it; no advanced knowledge is usually needed to accomplish this. But one has to be highly knowledgeable in order to repair it, or to design a better replacement. I am thinking about sophisticated engines, airplanes, TV sets, X ray scanners, computers, airconditioners, oil refineries, etc.
I like the above statement. It reflects what a real economy is based on, which are either things that you (1) manufacture, (2) get out of the ground, or (3) grow on the ground.

However, things like Wall Street, banking, insurance, etc., are merely transfer payment industries. They are secondary to the real economy. These folks really don't do anything but find ways to skim money off of what they transfer around. There needs to be a recalibration and many heads need to roll. Nevertheless, the idiot protesters "occupying" Wall Street don't have a clue about reality. They are just another manifestation of the same iconoclastic psychosis that invents Global Warming, Global Cooling, Peak Oil, Malthusian food shortages, over-population, ozone depletion, ad nauseum infinitum