Fair taxation has also to look at the ability to pay taxes, i.e. income.

for comparison:

source (not someone who makes up data)

There are other statistics analysis out there that say that it's not even the top 1%, but the top 0.1% that grabbed a ridiculously disproportionate share of the national income growth.


8% income share for 1/1000th of the population; this means they accumulate almost all wealth within a couple years, for the share of consumption is very low for them (low income groups can't save much if anything).

income distribution; higher Gini coefficient = more unequal
The U.S. ranks 39th among totally ####ed-up Third World countries.
(Probably in an attempt to be the "Number One"? )

In other words; you can't take away much more from the lower income half of the U.S.; they've already been ripped off thoroughly in the private sector.

The economic policies of the U.S. have been totally ####ed up for three decades, fed by a full set of mythology. Academic economists are laughing at what goes as conventional wisdom on economic or fiscal policy in the U.S.. Even 17th century mercantilism was smarter than that BS.