Quote Originally Posted by KingJaja View Post
Israel has a very strong base of support among the evangelical populations of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. They probably realise that, so they have greater latitude to operate there.
I think you are correct, especially with Ethiopia. A few years back quite a few Ethiopian Jew were allowed to immigrate to Israel. Evangelicals (I consider myself one to some extent) here in the US and East Africa are very uninformed about Israel and scripture concerning them for that matter (but that is for another forum).

Kenyans and Ugandans, in my opinion, have learned to accept aid from almost anyone. In fact, many have learned to depend on it, even connive for it. I understand how they have gotten that outlook, but it has not served them well. They have become too dependent. I find West Africans must less dependent and more willing to speak their mind than East Africans.

Israel could well find open arms in some parts of East Africa, but where they do, they will also find the terrorists right behind them.

Kenya has made some strides against al-Shabaab. I hope that they do not make a wrong move by accepting some help from Israel and end up with an even great terrorist problem.