Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
I think you must not read much American media. The tone of coverage towards China is a mix of fascination mixed with fear. The better informed observers note China's enormous internal problems along with its impressive growth.

HRW has issued reports and press releases regarding Bahrain's repression of its demonstrations, the same as they have done for other HR violations. I'm a bit confused at why you would insist that they wouldn't do so:

It is a good advice not to read the US media.

Unfortunately, the world is dependent on western media agencies for news because the domestic media does not have the finances to man media sources around the world or have reporters covering the globe.

Even on the internet since one is not conversant with the local languages, one cannot cull news first hand.

Therefore, there is no option but to read news obtained by our newspapers from western sources and also be influenced by opinions expressed thereof.

It is not easy for us out here not be influenced by western agencies reports and views.

Catch 22 for us.

What the HRW has reported in Bahrain is a weak report. The people coming from Bahrain have a different story to tell. If you see the news of today (Muharram) you will find the massacres unleashed by the Sunnis on the Shias. Does the HRW care about this? Selective attention is what it appears to be. You will know only about the massacre in Afghanistan done yesterday (?) since the western agencies are concerned about that.

Read the vernacular media of Pakistan. But then you cannot read it since you are not versed in Urdu, neither I can read it. What is said to be written is hearsay and none can go by that.

Has the HRW made capital of the atrocities in the Pakistan Occupied Northern Area (Balwaristan) which is Shia majority and are treated as second class and persecuted? Or the fact that the Pakistan Govt is changing the demography by settling Sunnis in Balwaristan.

Has the HRW reported on how Hindu women in Pakistan are being whisked away and converted in Islam and married off to Muslim. Right now, there is a whole lot of such Hindus who have come en mass and are refusing to return. Check the news. It maybe added, as it is, the Pakistanis have ensured that the Hindu, Christian or Parsi minority become a vanishing breed! Check the statistics from the time of Independence and now!

Therefore, HRW maybe wonderful for the western people, it does not enjoy the same wonderment in other parts of the world!

In so far as Kashmir is concerned, I have been there for a very long time in aggregate and various phases of the insurgency. On the so called massacres, it can be speculated as to who is responsible. It is not the terrorists are pure as driven snow. They have massacred many and where the graves of those they have killed one does not know. Then there were the surrendered or returned (from Pakistan) terrorists. They were formed into a group to take on the terrorists. They may have settled accounts.

The Hurriyat which is an organisation that is pro Pakistan and of which a part wants Kashmir to be with Pakistan and the others want Independence. They organise all the anti Govt movements and stone pelting. They pin anything and every thing on the Army since that gives political mileage and international attention. Therefore, it would be surprising if their people would not claim that the massacres are by the Indian Army. And such claims naturally make 'good copy' for the international media.